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Cheryl stared blankly at her. Everything filled her head all at once; Kimberley not wanting to sleep with her, Kimberley always dressed before she's in the room, Kimberley never sleeping naked anymore, Kimberley looking nervously at her even when she thought she was asleep.

She looked at Kimberley's eyes which where staring at the floor, her hands gripping onto the bottom of her shirt. Something clicked.

"Are you fucking kidding us?" she said, her voice a lot calmer than it was moments before. Kimberley wiped a tear away that fell from her eye and continued to stare at the floor. She didn't answer her.

"Are you worried about how you look now?" she said, referring to her body after the baby was born. "Are you actuallyworried about that?" she questioned, looking at Kimberley as if she was stupid. Kimberley continued to stay silent, not being able to look at Cheryl in the eye.

"Kimberley" Cheryl said firmly as she took a big and meaningful step towards her girlfriend. She held her chin forcefully and made her look at her.

"Answer me Kimberley. Is that what all this is about? About how you look?" she asked with an angry look on her face. Shew didn't mean to look like that to her but she knew if she didn't, she would probably cry instead. Kimberley briefly looked into Cheryl's eyes then nodded.

"You fucking..." she started, then at a loss at what to say. She saw the tears steam down Kimberley's face, she was biting her lip trying to stop crying more. "You stupid cow" Cheryl sobbed, taking Kimberley into her arms. Kimberley let herself cry as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend.

Cheryl held her tightly and gently pulled on her hair. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut to try to stop herself from crying. She pulled back and looked at her. Kimberley felt ridiculous.

"Why did you never tell me? I've been going crazy thinking what I'd done wrong" the Geordie sighed, taking Kimberley's hand into her own. The older woman shrugged.

"I guess I just felt... ugly and ashamed..." she said quietly, staring at their entwined fingers.

"Look at me Kimberley" she requested. Her heart was shattering at Kimberley's words. Kimberley made herself look at Cheryl.

"You are so beautiful" she stated. She placed her hand on Kimberley's shirt over her belly, making her flinch slightly. "You better believe what I am telling you, babe" she continued. She grabbed the bottom of Kimberley's shirt and she visibly tensed up.

"I am so in love with you Kimberley, you know that. So you should also know that I will always love you, no matter what you think you look like. I'll still find you the most beautiful woman on the planet" said the younger girl. Kimberley let out a sob at her words and as Cheryl carefully lifted her shirt over her head. Kimberley looked away again.

Cheryl moved a little so she had proper access to Kimberley's lips. She kissed her softly before breaking away and looking down at what Kimberley was afraid of. Kimberley's heart was beating hard and she froze as she felt Cheryl's gaze.

"What are you worried about?" Cheryl asked quietly after glancing down at her. "Bloody hell Kimba" she said with a laugh, although she herself couldn't work out if she was amused or going slightly insane, she understood why Kimberley must have felt different but she was still her Kimberley.

Cheryl leant in and kissed her on the lips, letting her tongue travel into her mouth. She felt relieved when she felt Kimberley's tongue find its way into her own mouth. She sucked on it gently before releasing it and kissing her neck.

"Do you want me to make you feel sexy again baby?" the younger girl asked as she kissed down her girlfriends neck. She heard Kimberley sigh.

"Please" she replied, her tone half begging. Cheryl kissed down her chest and sucked on the soft skin on her breast leaving a small red mark there.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" she whispered. Kimberley nodded and took Cheryl's hand before leading her into their bedroom.

"Is Scott staying there?" asked Kimberley while being pushed back on the bed, Cheryl's lips struggling to leave Kimberley's neck.

"Yeah" yeah replied, letting Kimberley know Scott would be with Justin until they wanted to collect him. Cheryl slipped the tips of her fingers underneath Kimberley's pyjama bottoms.

"Babe?" said Kimberley. Cheryl looked up at her, worried she'd changed her mind.

"Yeah?" she wondered, stroking Kimberley's face with her thumb.

"Could you... you know... to relax me a bit and to... get me going... and stuff" she replied, causing a slight redness to show in her cheeks. Cheryl swallowed, knowing what she wanted as she was clearly nervous about having sex again. She crawled off of Kimberley and undressed herself. When she was fully naked, she straddled the older girl again.

"Here?" she asked. Kimberley nodded and subconsciously licked her lips. Her eyes followed Cheryl's hand as it came to rest between her legs. She could feel her heart beat pumping hard against her chest as she watched Cheryl moving her fingers between her legs, stroking herself softly before pressing down harder.

Kimberley's mouth fell open as she continued to watch her girlfriend pleasure herself in front of her eyes. She looked up at Cheryl's slightly flushed face to see her looking right back at her. The expression on the younger girls face altered a little as she slipped two fingers inside herself.

Kimberley could feel the pressure between her legs building up as Cheryl went back to rubbing herself, a few moans escaping her mouth.

"Stop" breathed Kimberley, she moved from under Cheryl and got her to lay down on her back. The older woman hovered over her before slipping her fingers into Cheryl, causing the Geordie to let out a high pitched moan.

Kimberley kissed her hard and moved her fingers in and out fast, adding an extra finger as she watched Cheryl's face showing her, her pleasure. Kimberley kissed down her body quickly before sliding her tongue over where she was most sensitive.

"Kimba" she panted, losing her hand in the older womans hair. "Fuck!" she tried to hold back her scream as she came.

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