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Kimberley went to the hotel door when there was a knock at it. She opened it to find Cheryl on the other side.

"That was quick" she said, expecting it to be room service on the other side.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting" she grinned and walked into the room. She put her bag on the floor in the corner where she noticed Kimberley's was. She sat on the bed and watched Kimberley as room service turned up.

"Enjoy your evening Miss Walsh, Mrs Cole... Tweedy... I mean..." Kimberley nodded to the nervous young man who handed her a bottle of wine. She smiled sweetly to him as he bowed his head in embarrassment and walked away.

"Bless him" said Cheryl, kicking her shoes off. Kimberley poured herself and Cheryl a glass of wine and she crawled on the double bed beside her.

"Wine, eh? Thought you wanted to talk" Cheryl said, taking a sip of her wine. A content smile made its way onto her face. She put the glass on the table beside the bed and faced Kimberley.

"I do" she replied, leaning over Cheryl and putting her glass beside the other.

"Not going to be able to do that if we're drunk now, are we?" she smiled. Kimberley smiled back and thought she should just jump straight to the point.

"What do you really want, Cheryl?" she asked, leaning her head in her hand as she rested her elbow on her pillow. She took Cheryl's hand into her own and waited for her answer.

"We shouldn't go there Kimberley" replied Cheryl, trying her best to stay away from the upcoming conversation but felt herself slipping.

"Please Cheryl" she said, her grip tightening on Cheryl's hand.

"You, Kimberley. I want you. You know that" she sighed and leant her head back on her pillow.

"A few hours ago I didn't" she replied, running her hand up Cheryl's arm.

"That's because we haven't seen each other in a while, probably" she said, facing Kimberley again.

"Probably" she replied.

"What do you want?" asked Cheryl, searching for the answer in Kimberley's eyes.

"You know why I left Justin. I couldn't handle being with him when I was in love with someone else" said Kimberley. She waited to see Cheryl's reaction even though she knew how she felt.

"You still do?" the younger girl asked, shuffling closer to Kimberley.

"Yeah, I do" she answered before feeling Cheryl's lips on her own again.

"I've waited years for this" mumbled Cheryl between kisses. Kimberley pulled away.

"Just like this though? We've not even spoke about it properly" said Kimberley, not being able to resist kissing the Geordie back.

"Please don't make me wait any longer" she replied in a sad tone. "I've missed you so much" she said, kissing the older girl harder.

"Are we going to try this time?" asked Kimberley, tugging gently on the bottom of Cheryl's dress. Cheryl pulled back and nodded with a smile.

"I can't believe its been years since I touched you like this" she moaned as she brushed her hand over Kimberley's breast. Kimberley shuddered and started to lift Cheryl's dress higher up over her thighs. Cheryl pulled back and helped Kimberley out of her dress before Kimberley helped with Cheryl's. They both lay there together wearing only underwear as they kissed again.

Kimberley had her back on the bed as Cheryl began to leave small kisses down her neck. One hand was supporting herself and her other stroking Kimberley's hip. She kissed down further until she came in line with Kimberley's breasts.

Cheryl sighed happily as she took a nipple into her mouth and heard Kimberley's breath hitch. She'd never known anyone else quite like Kimberley. Her body was so natural and womanly, she was perfect in her eyes.

Kimberley shuffled from undernearth Cheryl and got them both to change positions so Kimberley was on top. She looked down at the younger girl before kissing her softly on the lips and outlining one of her nipples with her index finger.

After a short while, Kimberley slowly started to move her hand down Cheryl's body. The Geordie started to squirm slightly underneath her as Kimberley was about to slip her hand inside her underwear.

"Kimba" said Cheryl, breathing heavily and trying to get her attention as Kimberley moved her hand into Cheryl's underwear. Kimberley pulled her head back and looked at her.

"What is it babe?" she asked quietly. Cheryl reached a hand up and stroked the side of Kimberley's face and looked directly into her eyes.

"I don't think it will take me long" she said. Kimberley would normally expect redness to form in Cheryl's cheeks at her words but realised this was more than sex like they had shared in the past. She nodded to her and kissed her again while she started moving her hand.

"I love you so much" Cheryl said, her breathing heavier and faster as her hands were clinging on to Kimberley's waist.

"I know" sighed Kimberley as a moan escaped the younger girls mouth when Kimberley entered her. Kimberley felt Cheryl's fingernails digging into her sides as she watched the other girl lose herself. She had dreamt of this moment for years and she intended to not miss a moment.

"Kimba..." Cheryl breathed in sharply as she shuddered against her lover. Seconds later she came, crying out loudly; she pulled Kimberley in close to her and held her while her pleasure continued before it began to fade.

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