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"Nic!" smiled Cheryl as they stood next to each other and posed for a picture. They both smiled towards the camera.

"How are you?" the redhead asked.

"I'm great, and yourself?" she replied. She held her arm out for Kimberley to come into the pictures as well.

"Amazing thank you... big turn out tonight" she said, looking all around her at the many people talking to each other. The three of them took a moment to appreciate all the people there.

"You heard Selena is here?" said Kimberley as they walked through the crowds of people.

"Really? Aaw, I'll have to find her" replied Cheryl, knowing the young star had taken a big liking to her. To know she was another stars idol was a big compliment to her.

"I'm going to go find Justin" said Kimberley. Cheryl turned her head fast to look back at Kimberley.

"Why?" she said a little too forcefully. Kimberley sighed.

"Just to see if he is okay" she replied. Cheryl was still looking at her.

"Cheryl, me and him have been over for a month. I'm not interested anymore" she said in a soft voice.

"I know" replied Cheryl with her head down.

"Where are you going after this?" asked Kimberley, referring to the event.

"Nowhere" replied Cheryl looking back up at Kimberley, wondering where the conversation was going.

"I'll book us a room in BBD Hotel for after, we really need to talk" Kimberley said as she was just about to walk away.

"No Kimba, wait, we don't need to. It's probably just because we haven't seen each other in a while... it's making me feel like this" she replied in a hushed voice so no one could over hear them.

"For me then? Please. I want us to talk" Cheryl stared questioningly at the older woman who was looking at her sadly.

"Why? What about?" she asked in a slight panicked tone.

"Don't worry babe, just please?" she asked once more.

"Okay... okay. I'll meet you there after" Cheryl kissed Kimberley on the cheek before walking away, holding onto Kimberley's hand for as long as she could before they broke apart.

Kimberley looked all around her until she spotted Justin talking to Charlie. She made her way over to him and pulled him to the side after politely saying hello to Nicola's boyfriend.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I'll be leaving alone tonight" she replied. Justin frowned and tilted his head to the side.

"Why?" he questioned.

"I'm staying in a hotel tonight" she said, not being able to make eye contact with him as she knew he'd know why soon.

"Why is that?" he asked, looking her up and down suspiciously.

"Cheryl and I need to talk" she replied. Justin let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Talk? You can talk anywhere. Why do you need to spend the night together?" he demanded. Kimberley rolled her eyes.

"Justin I told you, it has been years. We just need to talk, okay?" she sighed. Justin sighed back and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine" he said, giving in. "I miss you, you know" he said after some silence. Kimberley didn't reply. She had a feeling he knew the reason why she had fallen out of love with him, she just never admitted it. She felt like she didn't feel the need to when nothing would come from it.

While Kimberley was thinking, she didn't realise Justin moving in closer to her. Cheryl watched from afar as Justin's lips inched closer to Kimberley's, she turned around before she could see something that would haunt her for a long time.

"What do you think you're doing?" hissed Kimberley, pushing Justin away from her.

"I thought..." he started, putting his head in his hands.

"You thought wrong. Justin we are over, okay? I don't want this anymore" she ranted, sighing heavily after when she saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry but you know what is what. Feel free to stay here a while but I'm leaving" she said and turned to walk away. She saw Cheryl go into the back room so she followed her, not knowing what Cheryl saw.

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