Chapter 30

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Gina's Point of view

Soon enough a day of depression turns into a week and soon that week turns into a month. One month of depression. And it's still going strong. I don't know when it will end but I know it isn't soon. The others have giving me some space but I can tell that their patience is wearing thin. But I still don't feel like coming out of my shell soon. I still feel sad and I still have the need to be alone and I don't want to let that go so soon. So currently I am in my room. Just staring at the ceiling. Then there is a knock on the door. I don't feel like getting it but I get up anyway. I go to the door and unlock it. I open the door to see someone who I would never think would be here. Yui.

"Hey Gina. Umm can we talk?" she asks. I nod my head and let her in. Who knows what will happen. Or what she will say.

"Well um Gina. The boys and I are starting to get really worried about you. You coming to your room and staying there. Only to come out to eat. We are really worried. It concerns me that you are like this" she starts. I was about to say something but she interrupted me.

"Just hear me out before you say anything. I know what your about to ask. Why do you care now? After I was the reason that I sent you to military school. And I want to say that I am so so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking back then and I really wanted to get you back home and make it up to you somehow. But it didn't turn out that way. I really wanted to make it up to you somehow. I wanted to apologize and beg for your forgiveness. Now I know what happened to you and Reiji-san and it breaks my heart that you are like this. It pains me even. Please come out of your room. Out of your depression. And I hope that you can forgive me" she finishes. I look at her in shock. I know a fake apology when I see one. But this one was sincere. She really meant it. I go up to her and hug her. I only say one thing but it comes out as a whisper.

"I forgive you Yui"

Reiji Sakamaki: The other KomoriTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon