Chapter 12

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~The next day~
Gina's Point Of View

I wake up to find Reiji gone. Probably left. I groan, get out of bed, and go to the bathroom. I shower and do my daily activities. I then get dressed (pic above). I walk out of the room to smell chemicals and herbs. I walk towards the smell. The source has come from, of course, Reiji's room. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

Reiji's Point Of View

I woke up early go see Gina still sleeping. So beautiful. I carefully leave her side so she won't wake up. I then walk back to my room. After doing my morning activities I got dressed and began to work on a potion that makes your blood thicken and become sweeter. I worked on this for two hours. I was about to put the last ingredient into the beaker when there was a knock on the door, breaking me of my thoughts. I groan in annoyance and go to the door. Then when I open it I see Gina. I could test out my potion on her. I will have to ask because I am not getting another tea cup broken (**cough** Yui**cough**).

"Gina what are you doing here?" I ask shocked.

"I smelled chemicals and herbs so I followed the scent and it led to your room. Also I wanted to talk. Can I come in?" She replies. I blush a little before nodding my head (not trusting my voice) and letting her in. She walks over to the loveseat that I have in my room. I sit in a chair across from her.

"So what did you want to talk about Gina?" I ask.

She hesitated before speaking. "I wanted to say sorry for what I said to you and hurting your feelings. It was rash and impolite. I was just so mad about you and Yuma that I lashed out. I know that you are just doing it to protect me. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes of course but I wanted to test something out. Think of it as a favor for me to fully forgive you. Would you like some tea?" I answer. She nods. Perfect! Maybe I can bite her this time. I walk to my tea set and pour rosemary tea into the cup. I pour the potion into her tea and add sugar so then shenwont taste it. I give her the tea cup. She starts to drink and I can tell that it's working. She then starts to figit. She puts the cup down. Her blood smells sweeter. Tastier. So tempting.

"What did you put in this tea?!?" She yells. She gets up to leave but I locked the door. I speed towards her and press her up against the wall. My bloodlust is through the roof. I can't take it anymore!

"Gina I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"

And then I bit her

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