Gina's Back story

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Okay. Do I feel like I didn't explain enough of why Gina hates Yui and Senji. So here is what happened.

On New Years at exactly 12 Gina was born. But her mother and father just left her in the hospital. So she was nameless and alone. So the doctor that helped Gina's mother deliver the baby names her. Even though he couldn't keep her, he wanted her to have some type of home. So he gives her to Senji Komori. At first Senji thought that Yui could need a friend. So he raised them both. But as they grew Senji tended to spend more time with Yui than with Gina. That is why Gina hates Senji. Because of the neglect that she received over the years and the nuns couldn't care less. Yui, who knew everything about the situation, starts to rub it in like a spoiled brat. If Yui gets a lollipop for example she would tease Gina until Gina ran away from her. Now this is where things got interesting. You see before you read about Gina's current personality, she was actually very shy and prefers to be alone. And Thomas wasn't the only friend she had. There is Kazumi. Kazumi was an orphan just like Gina. But no matter what she thought that she could make everyone around her happy. So one day when the kids were all twelve years old. Kazumi goes up to Gina and talks to her. For once she had a friend that was actually a female. It was Yui's fault that she didn't want any female friends. Yui notices and tells Senji what happened and Gina was not allowed to see Kazumi again. Thn less than a month later Kazumi disappears. It took about a week or two to find her body at the bottom of the lake. Gina was devastated and became depressed and angry. She blamed Yui and Senji and lashed out on them to the point where Gina was shipped off to military school. And that is how this back story ends. Up at the top there is a picture of what Kazumi looked like before she died.

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