Chapter 28

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Reiji's Point of View

The time is set before and when Rina finds Reiji kissing the random girl.

The ball was going really well. I see Gina being happy and smiling. Her smiling makes me happy. Then a girl from our school walks to me and starts to talk and flirt with me. I mumble my answers just hoping that she would walk away. But as we talked I couldn't help but be pulled in. We walked to a hallway and talked some more. Then she comes to me and starts to kiss me. She kissed me first. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. I then heard sobs and I turn to see Gina in tears and it felt like I was broken into two. I wanted to explain. I walked over to her and try to grab her arm but she kept getting away from me. I grabbed her wrist to try to explain and s that I was sorry but she wriggled out of my grip and ran upstairs to her room. I hear the door slam and lock. Then more sobs are heard. As for the girl, well lets say that she "went missing". Just kidding. I sucked her blood until she fell limp in my arms. I disposed of her properly bit then I felt guilt as I keep seeing images of her betrayed face. I really screwed up this time. And we just started to date to! I really messed up and I want to let her know that I am sorry. But it looks like she won't talk to me for a while.

Sorry for the short chapter

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