Chapter 7

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Gina's Point of View

I walk to my class with Thomas at my tail. Our first class is Ancient Mythology. I notice that he keeps opening and closing his mouth. Thinking if he should start a conversation. I stay quiet and keep walking. That is until he speaks.

"How come you haven't talked to me since we got here? Did I do something wrong?" He asks. As we walk into the classroom I think: how stupid do you think I am?

"How dumb do you think I am? I heard what you did to them before we moved to the mansion. I told you because I trusted you. That was personal! Yet you tell them! How could you do that to me?!" I answer my voice getting higher and higher. He just looked dumbfounded. Probably wondering how I found out. I just shake my head and take a seat next to Kanato. Waiting for the teacher to come around I take out "The Fault in Our Stars" and continue reading. (A/N: I just love that book and I literally cried when I saw the movie. Carry on). I could feel Thomas's stares burning into my back. I ignore him and continue to read until the teacher comes in and I put away the book and grab my notebook to write down notes.

Thomas's Point of View

After she left me in the hallway to go into the classroom I just stand there realizing what I have done. I promised her! She trusted me! And I hurt her! I have to make it up to her. Somehow.... She has to forgive me. I walk into the classroom and wait for the teacher to arrive and start the lesson. I just stare at her with a guilty look. But she ignores me and reads. Once the teacher does arrive I start to pay attention. But that memory of her face looking like she was betrayed is still inth the back of my mind.

Gina's Point of View

The day went pretty well. All of my classes were great but sometimes Laito would stop me in the hallway and try to flirt with me. Reiji is my partner in Advanced Chemistry and we work pretty well together. In baking me and Kanato make cupcakes and other deserts and I learned new recipes. In gym me and Subaru work together and my other classes went fine. Now we are going home and I sit in between Kanato and Subaru. Then Flat Bread just has to talk to me.

"So Gina how was your classes? Even though we don't share any" she asks.

"Fine" I say in a simple word hoping that the conversation would end. Then she stays silent. Me being very tired I feel my eyes droop and I sleep on someone's shoulder. Then the growling starts again.

Reiji's Point of View

I start to growl as she sleeps on Subaru's shoulder and he doesn't seem to mind! Why can't she do that to me? I should talk to her and actually have, dare I say it, a conversation. I never really conversed with someone especially a girl. But I have such string feelings for her but Kanato has to butt in. The next time she goes near Kanato I will just take her away from him. Mark my words Kanato. She will be mine.

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