Chapter 8

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Gina's Point of View

When we get home I walk into my room to get changed. Being in a uniform all night is not only tiring but very annoying. I quickly walk into the bathroom to shower and get changed (pic above). After changing my attire I grab "The Fault in Our Stars" and head outside to their garden. I have my headphones with me so I won't be disturbed. I walk to the garden and stop in front of a bench. It's right in front of white roses. I must say that they are breathtaking. I sit down and start to think. I just realized that none of the guys have bitten me yet. If inhad a choice I wish that Reiji bit me. I mean he is smart, handsome, has great manners- wait I can't think of him like that! He is a vampire for Kami's sake! He can't love a human! And besides even if he can he probably won't like me the same way. I'm only serve as a blodd bag until I choose one of them to marry. I want to marry out of love. As I think about it I didn't notice an angry vampire in front of me.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" He yelled. I snap out of my trance and look at the vampire that snapped me out of my thoughts. It's Subaru.

"Sorry man I didn't know-" I start.

"Did you touch the flowers?!"


"Did. You. Touch. The. Flowers!?"

"No! Why?" I scream. Did I touch the flowers?? Really??

"No bride is supposed to touch the flowers" he says. Oh.. Then he comes and sits next to me on the bench. He stares at the flowers and there is awkward silence.

"Ya know I think the flowers are beautiful but why are brides not allowed to touch them?" I ask in curiosity.

"They represent my mother even though I hated her and my father"

"Who's your dad and mom?"

"Why should you care?! You don't know me! You don't know any of us and what we went through!"

"Your right. I don't. Because I don't know what having parents feel like. I was alone for most of my life. So tell me who they are!"

"My mother was named Christa. And my dad is vampire King Karl Heinz. I hate him with a burning passion. I hate my mother because she didn't care! She was nothing to me!"

"So what did you do?"

"I killed her with the same knife that I always carry. It's a reminder for me"

"What about the others?"

"I can tell you about Ayato, Kanato, and Laito's mom. But I think you should ask Reiji about his and Shuu's" he says. I nod because I want to know the reason for the way they act now. As I listen to Subaru I can't help but feel sorry for them. I mean what mother treats her kids like that! It's not right. After the conversation ended I went into my room to shower and change. Then yet again Shuu is sleeping in my bed. I tried to get him off but he is just dead weight. So I just leave and go to a random room. Thinking it's Kanato's I knock on the door. But it wasn't him. It was Reiji. Oh crap!

"Gina? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in your room? What are you doing up?" He asks.


Reiji's Point of View

I was just getting ready to sleep for the next night of school but then there was a knock on the door. It's irritating that someone is up when you are supposed to be sleeping. I walk to the door and open to see... Gina? I start to blush but I quickly hide it.

"Gina? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in your room? What are you doing up?" I ask.

"Uhhh....." She just stands there with a major blush. I swear she is turning as red as Ayato's hair. She looks cute when blushing.... Wait what? I can't think like that. I have to focus on pleasing father! She probably doesn't even like me the way I like her.

"Uhm Shuu is sleeping in my room a-and I-I wanted t-to know if I-I c-c-can s-s-s-sleep here?" She stutters at the end blushing red again. I chuckle and invite her in. She takes in her surroundings in awe. Until I interrupted.

"We might as well get some rest, Gina" I say. She blushes again and nods. She climbs into bed first and covers herself. I then get into bed. And just before I sleep I feel her snuggle into mmy chest (did I mention I was shirtless?)and I smile to myself. Soon enough we will talk and I will be the first to bite her. I will be her first bite before anyone else.

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