Chapter 23

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Gina's Point Of View

When school was over we went home. I was about to go upstairs when Ruki called me. So I go downstairs.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Well um father is coming to visit us and then take us to the Sakamakis. So can you dress into something nice please?" He explains. I nod and go upstairs to shower. I find all my things packed already so that created suspicions about what will happen. So I get into the shower and read in one of my nicest dresses. I then go downstairs with the others. I stand in between Azusa and Yuma. Then the candles flicker and wind is heard outside then in the middle of the entrance stands the one and only Karl Heinz. As the boys bow in a ninety degree angle, I curtsey. Then Ruki speaks.

"Father you have come home. Welcome" he greets.

" Hello my sons. Who is this fine young lady? " he greets back but then looks at me with curiosity.

"I'm Gina Komori Mr. Heinz. It's very nice to meet you" I introduce myself.

"Komori? Aren't you a bride? Then you should be with me other sons"

"There was complications at that manor sir. I chose to stay here for awhile until those complications have been blown over. My apologies if I confused you" I say.

He smiles. "A pretty girl with applaudable manners. But no apologies needed. I understand. But it is a pleasure to meet you well. My sons. Ms. Komori. Let's go to the Sakamakis shall we?" He announces. We nod and follow him to the limo. We then ride to the other mansion.

~skip car ride~

We get to the mansion and everyone gets out of the limo. Karl was nice enough to hold my hand while I get out. I tried to pull away afterward but then he held his arm out and placed my hand on it. He then smiles at me and I smile back. He then escorts me to the entrance. As usual the door opens and we step in. Still holding on to Karl I stay silent. We go in to see the boys dressed up and Yui wearing a pink cocktail dress that goes to her thighs with matching platform heels. As they bow as a greeting, she curtseys. He smiles and still holds on to my hand. Azusa, Yuma, Ruki,and Kou are behind us.

"My sons please rise. Ah Yui Komori. It's nice to meet you. Gina I assume that this is your sister" He says. I nod and I see that everyone is staring at me, especially Reiji.

" Father, may I ask what you are doing here?" He who shall not be named (Reiji) asked.

"Well I have an announcement. I will have everyone living together in one mansion" He says with a smile.

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