Chapter 22

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* I decided not to have uniforms for the night school because I found a lot of cool and cute outfits so........yeah*

~The next day~
Gina's Point Of View

The next morning I got up and got dressed (pic above). I found out that the school is allowing casual outfits so YAY!!!! I get dressed and I realized that I'm wearing heels a lot and looking more like a girl and I kinda like it. So I'm going to stick with it. I walk downstairs and let me tell you, Kou and Ruki kept staring at me like I'm like a alien. It's really funny. We then get into their limo and go to school. Hmm. Let's see how the Sakamakis and Yui react to me with the Mukamis and my outfit.

First Period

When first period came I asked Ruki to sit next to me (turns out that the Mukamis have similar classes with me). The girls smile at me and wave and then Kanato comes in. Once he sees me his jaw drops, literally. He was that surprised.

Second Period

Advanced Chemistry came and I was alone......with Reiji. I sat away from him and the only thing he did was stare. Wonder what's going on through his head.

Third Period

We didn't do anything I'm gym so we just hung out. As I talked with Violet, I could see Subaru looking at me in shock. I smirk and look away from him.

Fourth Period

Then there is music with Shuu and Laito. Laito transfered from a different class that he had. The kept looking at me while I look forward. Sometimes they look like they want to come over and say something but then they stop.

Fifth Period

Baking. With Kanato and Azusa. Since Azusa didn't have a partner I volunteered switching with Kanato. Don't worry Arian and Kanato are together as baking partners so what was the big deal. In that class me and Azusa made a lemon custard cake with vanilla frosting with a hint of lemon juice and zest.

Six Period

All five of us hung out in the cafeteria, eating the cake me and Azusa made last period.

Seventh Period
Ruki and Kou had Math with me so whenever we had a question we would help each other out.

Eighth Period

Kou had English with me and we went over Shakespeare as he was Romeo and I was Juliet.

Ninth Period

Ninth period was a breeze. I sat with Azusa and Yuma as we discussed how to say different locations in French.

So that was my day and believe me when I say to the Sakamakis. The outfits are just getting started.

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