Chapter 5

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Dinner with my sister and my former best friend. As well as the Sakamakis. Can things get any worse? I walk back to my room with Kanato as my escort. I may have not known him long but he and are getting really close. I can feel it. I hop in the shower and uggh dare I say it a dress. I out tights under it to make myself feel comfy. I then put my heel boots on (pic above). Then I put on a long necklace to complete the outfit. Then there is a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it. It was Kanato.

" Hello Gina-chan. Reiji has asked me to escort you to dinner. And by the way you look beautiful! " Kanato greets. I walk out and close my bedroom door. He holds up his arm and I take it. We walk down to the dining room. Along the way we talked and laughed. When we get there Yui is dressed in a pink strapless dress trying to show off her non existent chest. The boys are still in their uniforms. Then there is all eyes on me and Kanato.

"My my Hana-chan you look beautiful tonight!" Laito says in a flirty tone. Then there is a growl coming from one of them.

"I'm glad you joined us Gina. You can sit between Kanato and I. We're about to start" Reiji greets. I nod and we walk to the dining table. Kanato brings out my chair.

"Such a gentleman Kanato. Thank you" I thank him. He just smiles and sits next to me. I look up to see Thomas and Shuu glare at Kanato. They honeslty should just leave us alone. I eat silently like everyone else until Reiji speaks.

"It seems that we don't know much about you Gina. Would you kindly tell us about yourself?" He declares.

"Well Reiji-san it depends in what you want to know about me. You already know about my - exscuse my rudeness- hate towards Flat Bread. What else would you like to know?" I respond.

"Let's start with the basics. And I must say your manners are applaudable." He comments. At this point everyone except Thomas and Flat Bread are easing in on the conversation.

"Thank you. Well I am born on New Years exactly at twelve. I like nature, art, music, and skateboarding. When it comes to music I practically listen to everything including Classical. I like the Victorian era when it comes to art. And when it comes to nature the flowers are my favorite. My favorite flower is a rose. My dream for the future is to become an artist. And that's it I guess" I explain. Reiji, Subaru, and Kanato smile while Laito and Ayato are still in shock. Shuu just sits there and his eyes are closed. Rude. When we are done eating I exscuse myself and walked back to my room. When I walk into the room I see a familiar blond laying in my bed. I groan

"Shuu you have your own room to sleep in yet you choose mine to sleep in. Please go to your own room" I say in annoyance.

"Quiet. You're too noisy" Shuu says. I groan in annoyance again and walk into the bathroom. I take a shower and get into my pajamas. I walk out and I see Shuu still in my bed sleeping. I walk out and walk to Kanato's room. I knock on the door. It takes a couple seconds before he answers it.

"Hey Gina-chan! What's the matter? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping right now?" He says.

"Shuu is sleeping in my bed and he won't move. Can I sleep with you?" I ask tiredly. He nods and lets me in. I walk into the room and he closes the door and climbs into bed. I walk over and get under the covers.

"Just a warning. I'm a cuddler" I warn him. He nods and I start to drift off to sleep. The only thing I see is purple hair before darkness room over me.

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