Chapter 6

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Just imagine leggings with the uniform

~Next Night~

I wake up to being shaken awake by somebody. I groan and slap away the hand. Then that person's hand start to shake my awake again. Without opening my eyes I start to say a threat.

"I swear to the living lord will cut your hands off if you don't give me a good reason" I thought. The imposter chuckled.

"But Gina-chan you have to. We have night school. Please wake up and get dressed I have a uniform ready for you. I groan and get up. I take the uniform, kiss Kanato's cheek,and walk back to my room. I walk towards the bathroom and shower and get dressed. After putting on combat boots. I grab my messenger backpack and leave the room. Everyone is there except for Thomas and Yui. Like I care though. I stand next to Kanato and beside Reiji. Then surprise surprise they finally come downstairs. Then we pile into the limousine. I sat in between Subaru and Laito. Then we ride to the night school.

Reiji's Point of View

As we ride to the school I can't keep my eyes off of Gina. Ever since I cant get her out of my head. She has amazing manners and she is everything I would ever want in a woman. Smart, beautiful, talented, and so much more. But the fact that Kanato is getting close to her. A little too close. I only watch her while going to the school. I also notice that she hasn't been talking to the man Thomas anymore. Not that I care but I do wonder. The limousine then stops indicating that we have arrived. The door then opens and we all get out of the car. I clear my throat attracting Gina and Thomas's attention.

"I have tried to make your schedule similar but you two have only three classes that you both share. Gina most of your classes are with me, Subaru, and Kanato. Thomas most of your classes are with Shuu and Laito. Please head to class because it is about to start" I announce while I hand them their schedules. They both mumble a thank you and leave to go to their classes. I stare at Gina as she walks away. I know that we have just met but I have a feeling that she is going to change my life forever. I have to make her mine. I will have Gina no matter what it takes. I will be her first bite and then so on. No one will stop me.

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