Chapter 3

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Gina's Point of View

I heard everything. From the fight to Reiji telling him that he can come. I guess that Thomas forgot to keep that promise of not telling that memory. Just thinking about it makes me want to lock myself up in jail. Before anyone noticed I crept up to my room and started packing. There's no use. I can't argue with them. I finish packing and get into pajamas. As I start to sleep I hear the door unlock. Someone comes in and closes the door. The last thing I remember is the right side of the bed dipping and covers being moved. Then darkness takes over.

-The Next Morning-

I wake up the next morning to arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around to see blond hair. It's Shuu. Not wanting to wake him up I carefully unwrap his arms around me. I quietly get out of bed and pull the covers up. There was probably not enough space in the house. I packed all my music stuff to take with me before I forget. I take a shower and put on an outfit (pic above but I have a black shirt underneath the jacket). I grab my phone and walk downstairs. I go into the kitchen and cook breakfast for everyone. Once I finish I start cleaning. After that I place the food on the table with eight plates. No one has woken up yet so I have time to visit my personal place before leaving. I write a quick note and leave before anyone got up. I quietly close the door and walk away. It took me five minutes to get there. It was a huge waterfall with a huge field of flowers. I sit there and take in the view one last time. Knowing that I will have to leave for good.

Thomas's Point of View

I wake up the next day to smell bacon. I walk to the bathroom and shower. I get dressed and go downstairs. Reiji ,Yui ,Kanato, and Laito are awake. I walk to them and see a note.

Dear Sakamakis, Flat Bread, and Thomas,

Good morning. I hope that you have slept well. I made breakfast before we leave. I have my cellphone with me if you need me back to leave. I only ask that you wash the dishes after you have used them. Thomas if you are that worried about where I am I'm at my personal place. I guess I have to find a new one once we get to the Sakamaki manor. Enjoy the breakfast. XOXO


I mumble a great and wait for the rest to get up. Once we eat, I decided to look for her. Instead of calling her I'll find her. I walk out the door and walk to the secret place. I see a figure on the rock near the waterfall. It's Gina. I walk up to her.

"Hey we need you back at the house. They are ready to go. Our stuff is already in the limo" I say. She nods getting up. Not saying anything she starts to walk away. I walk with her back to the house. Everyone greets her bit she only nods in response. We get into the limo. Gina sits in between Kanato and Laito. She puts on her headphones and zones us out. Is she mad at us or something? At me? I leave her alone and no one tries to talk to her. She then falls asleep and leans her head on Kanato's shoulder. I swear I heard a growl from someone.

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