Chapter 20

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~A Week Later~ outfit for the day is in the picture. Sorry if they don't work
Gina's Point Of View

It's been a week since my heart was broken by Reiji. When he said those words that the kiss meant nothing, I honestly wanted to kill myself. I was so sad and betrayed. I haven't been eating in a while, or sleeping. It made the others and surprisingly Shuu worried about me. I don't really talk to Kanato or Subaru. Only because they talk about their girlfriends and the dates that they went on. Believe me I'm happy for them. Happy that they have love in their lives. But it made me more sad and depressed. I just had to get my hopes up when liking someone huh? Only to get hurt in the end? Yeah that's me. Sometimes I talk to Yuma but it only ends up me saying yes or no to his questions. Right now I'm at home in my room, until my cellphone rings. I look at the caller ID and it's Yuma. I then answered it. (His ringtone is comfortable by K Camp just because I can be myself around him like Thomas).

Gina- italics Yuma- bolded

"Hey! I have a problem!"
"What is it?"
"Remember when I told you about Azusa and his problem?"
"Yeah how could I forget?"


It was a week before I talked to Reiji. I was in my room planning what to do when talking to him. I didn't want anything to go wrong and then I got a text from Yuma saying that he needed someone to talk to. I quickly texted asking where to meet him and he texted back the directions to his mansion. I quickly packed the things that I needed and snuck out of the house. If you are asking what they were doing, well, Reiji was in his room, Shuu was in the living room, Laito was in the music room playing the piano, Kanato in the kitchen making a dark chocolate cake with a milk chocolate filling, and Ayato as usual going after Yui for blood. I run off to the woods and follow the instructions Yuma gave me. I then see a beautiful mansion. I walk up to the door and knock. All I could hear is yelling and smashing of china. Then the door is opened by an exhausted Yuma.

"It is about damn time, I need to get out of here. The brothers are out of control. Let's go" he exclaims. He slams the door and grabs my hand. We then run away until the mansion is out of sight. We came across a waterfall and a field of wild flowers. We come across a log and sit down.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Azusa again"

"Again? What do you mean again?"

"Well I might as well tell you the whole story. As you know we are the adopted sons of the Sakamakis father. But before then we were in an orphanage. All of us. But Azusa's story was the worst. He used to get beat up by these three kids who were thieves: Justin, Melissa, and Christina. They used to beat him up. He then started to like getting beat up. But then the three tried to rob a rich person and they were killed without trial. One of the police officers knew of his beatings and thought that he would be happy but he wasn't. He strived for pain. He even begged us at one point. But being the kids we were we did. But then we stopped when Karl Heinz found us. Then he turned us so now he cuts himself. Today we caught him doing it again. Then hell broke loose. Screaming. Dishes breaking. Bloody knives. Sorry if you heard. But the point is he's not going to stop. We need to get him to stop" he explained. I just sat there shocked.

End of Flashback

"So you need help? Okay I'm on my way"

"Oh my Lord Jesus Savior thank you!!! See ya there!" He then hung up. I got my shoes on and jacket. I quickly ran out before they realized I was gone. For what they are thinking,they think that I'm on my room still sobbing my heart out. I ran in my boots to the Mukami mansion. Not bothering to knock I kick the does open. And from the looks of it the boys are struggling with Azusa again. I run to where the noise is coming from. I throw my jacket off. I kick Azusa's door open and they all stop and stare. I didn't say hi I just push past Ruki, Yuma, and Kou. I grab Azusa by the collar and drag him to the garden. The rest follow me. I open the door and throw him outside and they follow suit. As Azusa gets up to walk back inside. I slap him as hard I can sending him to the floor. I was beyond livid. The others stare at me in shock. Then I yell.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!?!! Cutting yourself!?!" I scream.

" I needed to feel some type of way. So pain is my answer" he says honestly. Now I am beyond pissed.

"And what is that supposed to prove?!?! What is that you are supposed to accomplish?!?!? Fucking killing yourself?!?!? What if you cut too many times and die?!?!? Huh!?!?!! Answer me!?!?!?" I yell tears starting to stream down my face. He stands there with tears filling his eyes.

"I know what you wanted to have Azusa. *sniff* You want *sniff* love. You want to know the feeling of love.*sniff**sniff* Well guess what. You have it! It is standing right in front of you! All of us love you but you're too blind to see it!!! You're brothers love you! I love you!!! You're one of the brothers I ever wanted but never got!!! The thought of you leaving us brings me to tears!! So stop. You have a life and you need to live it! We need you. I need you! I am experiencing hell right now and I need you!!!! Don't ever leave me please!! I beg of you please!!!!" I scream and start to sob. Azusa runs over to me and hugs me tight while I cry. The brothers then join. I then cry harder. Azusa then started to cry. It then turned to a sob fest. Everyone was saying sorry and crying. We then pull away. I look at him and lift his chin so he can look at me.

"Don't ever do that again. You hear me" I demand with my voice cracking. He nods and hugs me again. I help them clean the mansion and I go home. I open the door and close it. A voice startled me.

"Where were you?"

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