Chapter 18

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Gina's Point Of View

Subaru told me that she said yes and honestly I was so happy for them. It made me happy putting my friends together. But now there is just one thing that I have to do: talk to Reiji. I don't want to. It makes me feel awkward. But then again we did kiss. We have to talk eventually. When we get home I change into a better outfit(pic above). I then walk to Reiji's room. I honestly never felt more scared. I just want to just turn and run but I promised Subaru. So here goes nothing. When I get to his door I knock on the door. I wait until he answers. Once he does he is in complete shock. I then speak.

"Can we talk?" I ask. I just want to talk and get it done. He nods and steps aside so I can go in. I sit again oin the couch that he drugged me. He then sits down.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asks. I hesitated before speaking again.

"About the kiss......."


" don't know why you kissed me...and ummm"

"The kiss meant nothing. I didnt know what came over me. It was improper. I felt nothing in that kiss and you shouldn't either. Anything else?"

I had tears in my eyes. I was mad, betrayed, and mostly heartbroken. I felt something in that kiss. I quickly shake my head no and leave the room quickly. Only to go into mine and never come out.

I know and I'm sorry that it's so short and that Reiji looks like a jerk. But don't worry it gets better!!

Reiji Sakamaki: The other KomoriDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora