Chapter 9

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~2 weeks later~
Gina's Point of View

It's been two weeks since I have arrived at the Sakamaki mansion. Two weeks since I slept right next to Reiji. Or Kanato. Two weeks since I have talked to Thomas. But what does it matter? I'm still mad at him. I've been mostly hanging out with Subaru. Today I'm in my first period class when the teacher cleared his throat.

"Class we have new students today. Meet Aria and Violet. Please treat them with kindness. Please introduce yourselves" he announced.

"Hi!!! I'm Aria and I love sweet things!!!!!"the quirky blue haired girl greets. I smile.

" I'm Violet. Get on my bad side and you will regret it" she snarls. She reminds me of Subaru.

The teacher shuddered and said "Girls you sit in the seats on either side of Miss Komori. Miss Komori please raise your hand" and I did. The girls saw me and sat in their seats. Violet is on my right and Aria is on my left. The teacher started to lecture but I zoned him out.

"Hey, I'm Gina. Nice to meet ya" I whisper. Violet sends me a grin and Aria smiles at me. Then we listened to the teacher until the period ended. I grabbed my stuff and waited for them.

"Hey! Um do you mind if I look at your schedule? I want to know what other classes you have with me" I ask. They nod and give me their schedules.

"Wow. Aria you are in every class I have my friend Kanato! And Violet you have gym with me and my friend Subaru!"

"You mean the guy with the really cute teddy bear?" Aria asks. I nod. And for the rest of the day I had my classes with them. I introduced Aria to Kanato and I can already see a connection. With Violet and Subaru, well they are getting along but in gym they're more like rivals. I was walking to my last class until I bumped into a guy with a ponytail.

"Oh My Lord Jesus. I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" I start, that is until I looked at his face. He looked cute and I blushed.

"It's alright I wasn't looking either. I'm Yuma Mukami" He said.

"Gina.Gina Komori. Nice to meet ya" I introduce myself.

"Wait as in sister of Yui Komori?" He asks surprised.

"Sadly yes. Flat Bread is my sister. But thank Kami it's not by blood. I can't be sisters with a clutz and spoiled brat" I snort. He laughs at my comment.

"Well I'm going to my french class so see ya" he says.

"Wait! I go there to! Wanna walk together?" I ask.

"Eh bien allous-nous manquer" he speaks (A:N I used Google translate) Well then let us go miss.

"Montrer la voie monsieur" I counter. Lead the way sir. We laugh and walk to class. When we get there we take our seats the are in the side to Reiji and I can tell that he is already pissed. But the teacher came in before he can say anything.

"Pourquoi parlez-vous que Mukami?" He whispered angrily. Why are you talking to that Mukami?

"Parce que je peux Reiji. Je peux etre une epouse sacrificielle, mais vouse me pouves pas." I whisper back angrily. Because I can Reiji. I may be a sacrificial bride but you can't run my life.

"Cette conversation est pas terminee" this conversation is not over.

"Peu importe" whatever. Then I look back at the teacher while he scowls. I smile in victory. Yuma looks at me and smiles and smile back. I write a something on it and pass it to him.

Yuma's Point of View

Ever since I bumped into Gina I felt happier. That I can make a friend after what happened. I look to her and smile. She smiles back and writes something down and passes it to me. I look at it.


Here's my number. Talk sometime. But don't let Riji know. I know that you know the Sakamakis.


(random number people)


I smile and write something back for her. I pass it and I pout my note in my pocket. So I won't forget.

Gina's Point of View

He gives me a paper before the teacher or Reiji looked. I hide it under my hand so they won't see. The I read it.


Cool. Here's mine. Don't worry. I wont tell anyone. Just you and me.


(Again random number I made)

Yuma Mukami.♥

I smile at that and hide it away from Reiji. Before he looked at me I put it in my bag. No one will notice. Then the bell rings and I grab my stuff and go to the limo. As the others get in I sit across from Reiji. I have a feeling that I have to speak French on the way home.

"Vous allez rester loin de lui" he speaks. You're going to stay away from him.

"Pourquoi diable vais-je tester loin de lui?" I yell back. Why the hell am I going to stay away from him?

"Parce qu'il ya sea problemes" Becuase he is trouble.

"Toi aussi. Pourtant, je vous fais confiance" You are too. Yet I trust you. And by that look I knew he was taken back.

"Il suffit de faire ce que je dis" Just do as I say.

"Surement pas! Vous savez ce que Reiji? Je vais l'appeler quand nous rentrons à la maison. Et il n'y a rien que vous pouvez faire pour me arrêter! " Hell no! You know what Reiji? I'm going to call him when we get home. And there is nothing you can do stop me! That is when he became quiet. I won that round. The rest of the ride home was quiet. Reiji didn't say a word and I thought that it was good but Yui and Ayato kept giving me a disapproving look and I shrug it off. When the limo stops I am the first to move. I walked to the door before two hands grabbed both of my wrists. I screamed and tried to get my arms away. I turn around to see Yui and Ayato. One of their hands on my wrists. I glare at them.

"What the hell guys!!!" I scream.

"We just wanted to talk to you" Yui says.

"Well why not a 'Hey Gina we need to talk, wait for us'?!" I screech.

"Look we need to talk about Reiji. Whatever you guys said in a foreign language, it hurt him. We all see the way he looks at you. He just wants to look after you" Ayato says.

"Yeah to look after his walking blood bag with a pretty face! That is what Yui and I are here for. Not to get married but to be used for blood! Vampires don't care. They would care less if you fell in love as long as they get blood and that is exactly what Reiji is doing. He is just being like you and your brothers. You are all vampires and you need to feed. And guess what? Two female humans are here to help you! Goodbye!" I yell. Ayato stands there bewildered and Yui was on the verge of crying (crybaby). The rest was shocked and Reiji looked sad for a second but covered it up with the 'I couldn't give a damn' look. I run into the mansion and into the room and locked the door. And I did the one thing I haven't done in a long time
.... Cry

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