Chapter 10

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Reiji's Point of View

I saw her run up to her room and salm the door. I them instantly regret what insaid in the car. As much as I hate the Mukamis, I was only trying to keep her from getting hurt. She doesn't know my last and what I have done. She doesn't know them either. But it makes me feel like I'm the bad guy. I don't wan to burn the Mukamis are not to be trusted. Everyone except me, Shuu, and Laito try to coax her out of room, but she keeps yelling for them to go away and leave her alone. And from what I was hearing, she was crying. That just makes me feel ten times worse. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. But I don't want anyone taking her away from me. Not even Yuma. They have been trying to talk to her for over an hour and she still won't come out. Then there was silence. I wonder what was going on.

Gina's Point of View

I kept hearing Thomas, Kanato, Ayato and Yui try to get me to talk to them and come out of my room. They kept saying that what Reiji said to me he didn't mean it and that being a blood bag with a pretty face doesn't define who I am (only Kanato and Thomas said that). So I had enough of them talking so I grab my headphones turn up the volume to 'Welcome To The Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance and tune them out (Absolutely Love MCR! Hater are gonna hate!). I grab the note with Yuma's number on it and type it into my phone. I then start texting him.

Gina=bold italics
Yuma=regular bold

G- Hey Yuma, it's Gina.

Y-Hey Hana

G- how did you know my middle name???

Y-Your friend what was her name, Aria!, told me. So that is your nickname. No one calls you that but me.

G-Okay then. So what are you doing?

Y-eating sugar cubes. Hbu?

G- Tuning out everyone around me except you of course.

Y-Awww I feel special. What happened?

G-Reiji told me not to talk to you or be around you and I flipped out. Kanato, Thomas, Ayato, and Yui tried to get me to come out. Look I know your a vampire but I don't see the reason why Reiji has a problem with you.

Y- Me and my brothers kinda hate the Sakamakis in a way and Yui is just a weak girl who can't defend herself.

G- Thank you!!! Someone agrees with me!

Y- No problem. And forget about Reiji. He shouldn't be in your business and he'll get over it soon enough.

G-Thanks for the comforting words. I'll talk to you later. See ya! ♥

Y- Anytime Hana. Later.

Then I just turned off the music and went to the bathroom to shower. After doing that I got dressed and snuck out of the bathroom. If anyone saw me. I will just simply ignore them. I have no time or have the mood to talk to them. I walk out of my room quietly and go into the kitchen to make dinner. I start to make chicken parmesan. I then felt a presence behind me. I look behind me and see Laito.

"Hey Gina. I see you came out your room. Whatcha making?" He greets. Knowing that I won't keep the silent treatment going for long I decide to talk.

"Chicken Parm. Why you want some? I can make some for the guys too"

"Sure" and then I make more. He then speaks again.

"Ya know Reiji kept saying that he was sorry. He keeps beating himself up too"

"Let him and if he wanted to apologize to me he would've told me personally" I snap. He then stays silent. After a while the food was done. I made a plate for me and Laito. I gave the plate to him and he started eating. As he eats I swear I heard moaning.

"Dude if you like it just say thank you"

"I would but this is sooooooooo good! You Missy can cook. Better than Bitch-chan"

"Thanks. Tell the others that they can eat. While I will watch movies on my laptop" I announce. He nods and keeps eating.
Before I walk out I walk up to him.

"Save some for the others!" I say. He smiled and kept eating. I giggle and leave with my plate and a bottle of soda. I walk up to my room and lock the door. I sit on the window seat with my headphones and laptop. I sign into Netflix and watch episodes of Family guy. I leave the now empty plate on my nightstand and keep watching until I fall asleep.

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