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You guys can thank WinterRoze for this character!

Name: Aria

Birthdate: February 14 (Valentine's Day)


Eyes:Royal Blue

Hair: wavy shoulder length light blue

Skin: Alabaster

Personality: Aria is a sweet tempered girl with a sweet tooth and had a strange obsessions for kittens ( I mean who wouldn't? Baby animals are absolutely adorable!). Although she may appear to be "air headed" and naive, Aria is cunning and surprisingly knows a large portion of everything. She is fully aware of the "air head image" but she likes it that way and uses it to her advantage. She loves reading and has a knack for playing the flute and singing. She rarely gets angered but when she does she has a reason. She likes the quote "Do not push nice people to their limit, because nice people are the scariest assholes when angered" (Hallelujah!!!). Aria has a strong resentment towards monkeys. Only because one time a monkey stole her stash of sweets.

Hobbies: Reading, playing the flute, singing, eating sweets, sleeping in trees.

Likes: Obviously sweets, Kanato( who doesn't! Don't answer that!), Teddy (Kanato fangirls squeal), the color blue, and art.

Dislikes: Bitter things, loud noises, annoying people, naiveness, and monkeys.

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