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This is Violet!

Birthday: October 31 (Halloween)

Appearance: Red hair to her waist, sapphire blue eyes, hourglass figure

Height: With heels on she reaches the height of Subaru. Without them she reaches his shoulders.

Personality: Violet may appear sweet and innocent but once you get her mad she blows up. She is fully aware of her "bomb like temper" but it's not her fault! She thinks people are idiots. If you are on her good side she is very nice and will defend her friends and lover (*cough* Subaru*cough*). But once you are on her bad side she will make it her mission to see you suffer.

Likes: Has a dangerous obsessions with weapons. Lives Subaru. Chocolate. Ice cream. Food in general. Video games. Music. Slot of others.

Hates: Idiots, pervs (Laito), people who hurt her and her friends, school (Preach!!!)

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