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"Sir Miyuki Kazuya! May you fare well in battle!"

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"Sir Miyuki Kazuya! May you fare well in battle!"

"HURRAH! HURRAH!" Maezono and Sawamura cried out. "HURRAH! HURRAH!"

"Would you knock that off?!" Miyuki scolded his teammates, clearly embarrassed by their actions.

"Kazuya!" Emi called as she ran over to the baseball players, "thank goodness I made it in time. Here."

"What is it?" Miyuki asked, taking a good look at the bento that Emi had given him.

"Just a little snack for after practice, you can share with the other players too. I made it last night and just heated it up now," Emi told him. "Have fun and learn as much as you can."

Miyuki smiled at her and nodded his head, "I will."

"Miyuki Kazuya! Shouldn't you kiss her goodbye?!" Sawamura teased the captain.

"I would if you guys weren't here," Miyuki smirked at them making the players blush and Emi let out a loud laugh but her cheeks were slightly flushed in embarrassment. Miyuki then turned to look at the manager and his eyes softened at the sight of his lover, "I'll see you this afternoon?"

"I will wait for you after practice," Emi promised him. Miyuki kissed her cheek and with that, he left Seido in the direction of Inashiro.

Seido's captain finally arrived at Inashiro's ground and was greeted by the four boys who had tried to recruit him in middle school. 

"So you're actually going to set foot on our practice field," Carlos greeted Seido's captain.

"You have some nerve to show your face," Shirakawa told the catcher. While Yamaoka nodded his head in greeting and pointed the direction to Inashiro's main baseball field.

"Welcome to our home practice field," Narumiya said before smiling smugly at Miyuki, who returned the smile with one of his own.

Practice at Inashiro Industrial was interesting. Miyuki learned to play on first base to which he felt a little weird to begin with but accepted it nonetheless. It was even amusing to him to see Narumiya and Umemiya always seemed to be looking out for ways to pick a fight seeing that Inashiro's ace was still not over what had happened during the fall tournament. Nevertheless, practice went smoothly and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Miyuki was also able to catch for Shunshin, who was grateful to be able to pitch for the prodigy catcher. Unfortunately, during practice, Coach Kunitomo did not allow catchers and pitchers from the same faction to form a battery. It was only after practice where Narumiya approached Miyuki with a smirk on his face.

"Kazuya. Don't you want to catch for me?" Narumiya asked Seido's captain.

"If you're fine with showing me your moves," Miyuki informed the pitcher.

"Sure, I don't mind. It's not like they're going anywhere," Narumiya agreed.

"Okay, then show me your changeup." Miyuki bluntly requested.

Seido's Lovely Manager (Miyuki Kazuya x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now