XIX. My Path

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"It's decided," Okumura said standing up as the game ended.

"Hm? Yeah. Teito put up a good fight but..." Seto started.

"The school I'm going to..." Okumura interrupted Seto, "I'm going to Seido. I was kind of thinking about going to the school that won this game."

"Just kind of?!" Seto exclaimed shocked at his friend's comment.

"Yeah. Kind of," Okumura confirmed, "But I think it's the right choice. They have two interesting pitchers. Oh, not to mention, Emi-san would be happy to see us next year," Okumura said remembering how kind and honest Emi seemed to be when he observed her intently.

Seto smiled at his friend, but then accusingly pointed at his friends, "You should've told me if that was what you were thinking! I could've enjoyed the game more!" The boy exclaimed angrily but Okumura just walked away.


"GOOD JOB MAEZONO-SAN!" Emi shouted as she ran towards the first baseman and jumped on his back making him lose his balance slightly.

"KOBAYASHI! Get off me!" Maezono complained blushing at the girl's physical contact.

"I'm so proud! Maezono-san finally got to hit one perfectly!" Emi cheered, "Also, your face after the hit was way too funny!" She teased her upperclassman, Maezono blushed at her words.

"Shut up!" Maezono exclaimed trying to calm down at her compliment. It's not everyday the players get a praise from the girl who usually told them what they needed to improve at. So to hear her praise him, was a dream come true.

"KAZUYA-SAN! YOU TOO! You finally got to hit properly didn't you? You are looking more and more like a captain," Emi told Miyuki hugging his waist from behind when she saw him talking to Kawakami.

"You wound me, did you not believe that I would hit?" Miyuki hugging her back and faced her.

"Nope," Emi playfully said sticking out her togue, "Today was all pure luck for you."

"Ouch," Miyuki said with his usual smirk knowing that she was teasing him.

The team watched them interact in shock that Emi called Miyuki by his first name, for the first time. Of course, it was no suprise at how close they were, but it was their first time seeing them make physical contact with each other, not to mention how casual Emi called Miyuki. Did something happen between them? The players asked themselves curiously as they saw Miyuki and Emi teasing each other, but none of them had the courage to ask.


It was night time and Seido Spirit Dorm was lively, with most players praising Maezono for his hit today and others just happy talking about their big win today. The players, despite being able to sleep early today, decided to continue to practice. Miyuki sat on the table happily watching the team since Emi was busy with the managers and Kuramochi decided to approach the new captain seeing that he was alone.

"Hey Miyuki," Kuramochi called the captain, "Furuya's still running on the field. Should I go stop him?"

"Just let him run all he wants. I bet he's never walked off the mound like that today. So I need him to get really upset over it," Miyuki reassured Kuramochi, "And if he start listening to me more, even better," Miyuki admitted with an evil smirk.

"So that's what you're after?!" Kuramochi asked angrily, "You heartless fiend!"

"We should've been more careful too, but compared to before the pause, he was like a different person," Miyuki said seriously, "I guess in that sense, we learned a lot this game. Though it wouldn't have mattered if we lost," he whispered to himself.

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