XXI. Self-Destruction (Final)

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A/N: I am sorry! Late update, but here it is! Happy reading! Thank you all for reading and voting 💕

At Edogawa City Baseball Stadium, Seido was celebrating their win against Nanamori Academy. Sawamura, who pitched the entire game was even happier seeing that he had recovered from his yips and now being able to pitch both on inside course and outside courses. The team was finally able to have their summer tournament rematch against Inashiro.

"We've made this far according to plan," Miyuki said happily.

"Yeah and now for the real deal," Kuramochi said thoughtfully.

"Payback against Inashiro," Miyuki finished, "If we can't win tomorrow, it's all over."

"I wonder if they are done with their game too," someone spoke up as they thought about the next game against Inashiro.

"Was is Oota Satadium?" Another one asked.

"I'm going to call Nabe," Kudou, a second year, offered as he heard his team's thoughts. During the call, Kudou suddenly gasped in shock calling everyone's attention, "They lost...? Inashiro?"


On the start of the eighth inning, Inashiro had no outs and a runner on the first base. Hirano Keiji, the starting pitcher threw the ball once again and Ugumori swung at firt pitch, allowing Ugumori to have runners on first and second base.

They went for the first pitch. It was as if they knew a fastball was coming in order to prevent the steal, Watanabe thought to himself as the game resumed, Ugumori's plays aren't just reckless. They're calculated.

"It's not a surprise for them to swing at first pitch," Emi said.

"Why is that?" Watanabe said curiously as he continued to set his eyes on the field.

"Matsubara-kun, Ugumori's manager, is someone who analyses well the other team, makes plays based on his analyzations and supports the team with it," she told the second year, "No wonder Ugumori is strong."

Both continued to watch the game now in silence and soon, Inashiro's bench started to act. Narumiya was soon placed as a pitcher and Hirano was switched out. This was where the game had started to pick up its pace.

Narumiya was able to quickly get their first out. Umemiya came up to bat and Narumiya had started off well against Umemiya, but Ugumori's ace still swung his bat putting a little pressure on the catcher. On the second pitch, Ugumori had the chance to get another base steal. Now, Ugumori had one out, and runners on first and third base.

Narumiya continued to pitch against Umemiya, and Ugumori's ace was already with one ball, two strikes. Itsuki, who analyzed the positions of the runners, decided to finish the inning off with a change up. But Narumiya suddenly shook his head, disagreeing with the catcher. The catcher tried out asking for a forkball, but Narumiya once again shook his head.

"They are not agreeing on the signs, are they going to be okay?" Emi asked worried for Inashiro. Before Watanbe could even answer the girl, Narumiya pitched a fastball allowing Umemiya to get a clean hit on the right center field, answering Emi's question. Carlos eventually was able to catch the ball and throw it right to home base. Itsuki quickly clashed with the runner as the ball came his direction. Emi and Watanabe gasped at the action surprised that the catcher would do that. However, he wasn't able to catch the ball, which allowed Ugumori to have one run ahead of Inashiro.

The next inning, Emi couldn't help but watch the game in worry for Narumiya, who was quickly switched out on the ninth inning with their other pitcher, Takahashi. Ugumori continued strong after their two runs and was able to get three outs quickly. The game ended with Ugumori having one run ahead of Inashiro, shocking everyone who had watched the game.

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