IV. A Nostalgic Face

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Emi arrived at Seido early in the morning to check on the team since she had free time and greeted the baseball managers insisting on helping the them during the day despite not being their manager officially. She wore her usual Karasuno manager uniform, which consisted of a white shirt and long black sports pants, her long black hair tied up in a high ponytail. The morning training was all about batting. After moving some baseball boxes with Seido's managers, Emi stood beside Chris as she watched the players practice their battings while she wrote some notes.

"GOT IT!" Sawamura shouted as he missed, "SO CLOSE! JUST A HAIR LOWER!"

"Sawamura-kun as always is so loud..." Emi said as she sweatdropped at Sawamura's miss.

"Ah, you get used to it after a while," Chris told the girl.

Both continued to watch Furuya and Haruichi practice their swing. Emi awed as she saw Furuya's batting and watched as Haruichi also make contact with the ball perfectly despite using a wooden bat.

"Haruichi-kun must have practiced with a wooden bat ever since he was little right?" Emi asked Chris in curiosity, "I've heard that using a wooden bat is harder than a metal one."

"Yes, you are right. A wooden bat has less sweet spots than a metal one and you have to be very accurate in order to make contact with the ball perfectly," Chris told the girl.

"That makes Haruichi-kun an unique and talented player," Emi said in admiration as her eyes sparkled.

On the other hand, Sawamura looked at Haruichi and glared at the boy, jealous of how the younger Kominato was batting perfectly despite using a wooden bat.

"Damn, you lucky boy," Sawamura muttered.

"Sawamura! Bunt!" Miyuki instructed the boy.

Sawamura immediately heard his upperclassmen and bunted the ball perfectly, making all the players shocked at how good he was at bunting.

"That's good!" Maezono, a second year said shocked.

"Look how slow that's rolling!" Ono, also a second year catcher, added.

"That's off a 150 km/h pitch, how can he tap it like that?" Another second year said.

"Are you serious? Can he bunt off anything?"

"Oh man, I can't believe I'm so impressed by him."

"It's because he's not afraid of the pitch," Kawakami, a second year relief pitcher, assumed.

"That can't be the only reason," Shirasu, another second year and a right fielder, said.

"Good job! You're the bunt master!" Haruichi told Sawamura who was slightly bummed that he wasn't able to hit one far away.

Emi looked at Tanba and held in a chuckle knowing that he wasn't good at bunting.

"Just bunt every at-bat!" Jun exclaimed.

"W-What!" Sawamura said shocked making everyone laugh loudly. Emi smiled as she saw how the players were enjoying themselves despite having a game the next day. Watching them bond made her remember how it was fun to watch Karasuno's volleyball boys bonding with each other. Thinking of Karasuno, she decided to call Hitoka later that day and check on how her volleyball players are doing.

"Damn you all!" Sawamura cursed, "It's about time I showed you my true power."

"Don't swing. Just practice your bunts," Coach Kataoka demanded.

"But, General!" Sawamura whined.

Emi's attention suddenly changed as she saw Kuramochi stare at the older Kominato, Ryousuke, practice his batting. Noticing the worry in his face, she decided to approach him.

Seido's Lovely Manager (Miyuki Kazuya x Female OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora