XXVIII. The Resilient Second-String

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A/N: Hii~! I know that the next two chapters might not have much Miyuki and Emi interaction, but it's coming, I promise. Thank you for being so patient and for voting on my first fanfic ever! Thank you also for reading. Remember that after Act I there will be a small break as I still have to finish the extra chapters and Act II. It really takes a lot of time to come up with ideas for the fic and still keep the main storyline. I am grateful for you, dear readers for everything. Have a lovely week and enjoy the new chapter!

Coach Ochiai was a man of few words, but very straightforward, that was what Emi thought of him. She knew that he would possibly be the next head coach of Seido Baseball Club. Emi didn't like how he would look down at some of the players and how he was adamant on changing some styles that the players had been used to ever since they started playing baseball. However, he already had so much influence on the team since the team did improve after his small commentaries on their play styles that she had to give credit to the man for his keen eyes. Not to mention, he helped Sawamura with his off-speed pitch, which made her respect him more than she did when she first met him.

This was why she now stood behind the fence on the bullpen with director Oota and coach Kataoka watching both Sawamura and Kawakami pitch.

"That's a good sinker," Ochiai said, "Why haven't you been using it?"

"It's a long story," Kawakami answered.

"What a waste, pitch more," Ochiai demanded.

"Coach Ochiai turned into the king of the bullpen," director Oota said beside Emi.

"Ochiai-san does have a history of being a catcher during high school, no wonder he would prefer being in the bullpen," Emi told director Oota.

"Kobayashi-chan knows this?" Director Oota said shocked.

"It's a habit to know people's past sports history..." Emi said embarrassedly.

"That's Kobayashi for you," director Oota said sweatdropping at the girl's comment.

"Miyuki, you have a second?" Ochiai asked calling the attention of the trio who were by the fence.

"Yes, sir," Miyuki said.

"Furuya wants to try some off-speed pitches, can you catch a few?" Ochiai questioned the captain.

"Off...speed? Furuya is throwing?" Emi muttered, her eyes just as wide as everyone else's

"First, let's start with a vertial slider," Ochiai instructed the ace.

"Vertical?!" Sawamura asked, "Does that mean he has a horizontal one too?!" Sawamura exclaimed panicking.

"Calm down Sawamura-kun!" Emi said when she saw him panic, "you look like an idiot who doesn't know how to play baseball," she retorted with a smug face.

"Shut up, Emi-chan!" Sawamura exclaimed angrily, "I don't have time for your insults!"

"He can't do horizontal yet," Ochiai said before Emi could say something back to Sawamura.

Furuya adjusted his grip on the ball and pitched it to Miyuki. It looked normal at first, but it suddenly it broke right as it went toward's Miyuki's glove.

"It broke," director Oota said.

"He has a powerful fastball as the base, if he doesn't mess up the grip and his writs, the ball will break on its own," Ochiai explained to everyone, "don't try to break," this time, Ochiai instructed only to Furuya, who nodded at the assistant coach.

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