E. Battle x Battle

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It was the night after the fourth round of the Spring Tokyo tournament, which Seido obviously won. Once again, the players discussed the other teams who could potentially be their next opponent.

"Was that Kasuga First's ace pitching today?" Kuramochi asked the managers.

"He was number two in the fall," Ono informed the shortstop.

"His sliders looked good," Kuramochi said.

"Seiko and Teiko are playing at Meiji Jingu tomorrow," someone said.

"Thinking about Seiko still gives me bad memories," Emi muttered as she leaned onto Miyuki's shoulders.

"Inashiro's playing Bito," a third year student said.

"They've got Ichidai Third against Tsurugashima and Sensen against Ugumori at Hachioji," another one commented.

"We'll go check out Jingu Stadium," Yui told the team, referring to herself and Sachiko.

"We might have to see other pitchers besides Narumiya," Watanabe said.

"Should we scout Teito too?" Sachiko suggested.

"Sanko's got Amahisa to watch out for," Kuramochi said before turning to Haruno as if asking her to scout them.

"Okay, got it," Haruno said.

"Maki from Sensen, too," Miyuki said.

"I will do it," Emi said tiredly.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?" Miyuki asked the girl who had her head against his shoulder.

"No. I was busy editing some of the pictures I took for the club," Emi said.

"Why don't you go home early and get some sleep today?" Miyuki asked the girl in a soft voice used to her tendencies of being clingy when she is tired.

"Mmm," Emi disagreed, "it's okay... I promised to hang out with you during your batting practice."

"You are so stubborn," Miyuki laughed.

"Thank you for the food!" Sawamura exclaimed. "Okay, Miyuki-senpai, let's get going." The boy demanded.

"Where?" Miyuki asked dumbfounded.

"There you go kidding again!" Sawamura smiled dumbly, "I don't want to let the pitches I would have thrown in today's game go to waste!"

"Go to waste? They're hardly perfect," Miyuki said as Emi took her head off Miyuki's shoulder knowing that there was no way her captain wouldn't not go with Sawamura.

"All the more reason to work on them! Emi! Tell your boyfriend to catch for me!" Sawamura demanded.

"Aren't you already doing that?" Emi retorted, standing up taking Miyuki's empty bowl and lazily walking up to the sink.

"But he will listen to you!" Sawamura whined.

"Um..." Kaoru started, "if Sawamura-senpai is going to be pitching, would you mind if I went along? I couldn't get a read on him in the bullpen during the last game."

"You're on the bench, so you should get used to catching," Miyuki agreed, "go ahead and catch this idiot."

"Hey, don't give your job to a first year!" Sawamura shouted casually to Miyuki.

"Casual speech with the captain..." Kaoru said surprised.

"Listen, young man!" Sawamura started, "If you want to catch me, you'll have to finish three bowls of rice first!"

"Yes! This is my third bowl," Kaoru said.

"Is that true, Kanemaru?!" Sawamura asked, shocked.

"Yeah, that's his third bowl," Kanemaru answered.

Seido's Lovely Manager (Miyuki Kazuya x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now