*Chapter 18- Somewhere Between A Monster and A Pooch

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*Still in the "Journey Through the Stars" Facebook photo album*

Me: Here we have Min Hee making a sad face because Henry ate half of our dinner! And I thought I'd be nice, and let him eat the good food I was going to cook just for my roommate and I, and this is what we get?! Bad Henry! Bad, bad bad bad!

Henry: I was hungry!

Jacklyn: *speechless* You're friends with Henry on FACEBOOK, Mel?!

Me: I think being friends in real life is much more shocking. He's such a mooch; I don't recommend getting to know him.

Em: Henry's a mooch? 

Me: It's somewhere between a monster and a pooch.

Tessa: I thought you were the dog?

Me: I am. He's just a pooch because he eats like an animal.

Henry: Do NOT!

Me: Do too.

Jackie: What is going on in here?

Me: My sibling replacement ate all of the food I worked so hard for. Please, I take it back, Jackie! You're still my big sister!

Jackie: Wait, so Henry is one of your idols, and now you're insulting him?

Henry: See, Mel? I'm one of your idols! 

Tessa: Mel? O.o

Me: Ignore him. His brain is fried from dancing too much.

Henry: My brain is just fine.

Me: Go to bed, Henry!

*Next Picture*

Me: John and I made a mural!  Our art teacher gave us an A. :D We accidentally tipped over the bucket of pink paint, though, so we had to switch to red. But it still looks awesome!

The photograph depicts Mel and John giving a thumbs-up to the camera, and they are standing next to a section of the wall that depicts a sunrise over various famous locations all over the world. 

Eliz: I wish our school let us paint more murals... the walls are so bare!

Me: John and I volunteered.

Tessa: Wait, is he Irish?

Me: Yeah...


Me: That's a terrifying prospect.

John: Who is this that's offering to marry me?

Me: Darn it, John, you were better off not getting involved. 

John: Why's that? I'm charming, aren't I?

Me: Maybe so, but Tessa's ten times scarier than you are charming. 

Tessa: I am not! I'm sweet and innocent!

Me: *chokes on drink* You keep telling yourself that, Tessa. Seriously, John, get out while you still can. She'll molest you.

*Next picture(s)*

Me: My dance class's performance of "Sorry, Sorry"! The first one is of the hand dance part, with Min Hee at the front. Isn't she pretty? If you look carefully, you might be able to see me ROCKING this dance in the very very back. Look for the only head of blonde hair in the picture. Anyway, the second one is of the very end of the dance, where I pop up and do the evil laugh, while everyone else goes on the ground. It's my shining moment, since I played Heechul. :P Henry took these pictures. I thought he was texting, but he was really taking pictures! It took a great deal of poking and prodding (And some attempted aegyo) to get him to give these to me. But anyway, here they are.

Eliz: Oh geez, Mel doing aegyo? That sounds scary.

Me: Hey! I'm not that bad! 

Jacklyn: You played Heenim? You fit the role so well! XD

Me: What, because I'm eccentric, mean, and have a crazy laugh?

Jacklyn: Exactly.

Me: *shrugs* It'd be silly to deny that. I thought I fit this role perfectly, myself. I haven't met Heenim, though. He's still in the army. 

Em: I found you! Actually, it wasn't too hard. Your hair practically glows! 

Me: It's not that blonde. 

Jackie: But everyone else has dark brown or black hair, so you really do stick out there, Mel.

Tessa: You're in ASIA and you're still shorter than your classmates! Bahahahahaha!!!!!

Me: -.- Love you too, Tessa. You know, some of my classmates are like, twelve?

Tessa: And they're still taller than you?!

Me: Yup.

Tessa: You are now officially a midget.

Me: So's Henry! He's only like two inches taller than me!

Henry: I am not! I am four inches taller than you!

Me: Only when you're wearing shoelifts!

Henry: How'd you know that?!

Me: YOU'RE the one who took them out and started chasing me around the room with them! 

Jackie: I kind of want to see this.

Me: No you don't. It was really weird. He was hitting me over the head with his shoelifts. And they were smelly. It was torture.

Tessa: All the more reason to watch! :D

Me: You suck.

Tessa: <3

Henry: My feet don't smell as bad as Eunhyuk's. You have to admit that.

Me: ..........Okay, I give in on that one.

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