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- Heartbreak Girl; 5 Seconds of Summer -
- prom dress; mxmtoon -

Aurora Holland, two months later

"Are you sure you don't want to just meet up and get ready together? I bought lots of new makeup including makeup brushes, so you wouldn't be using anything dirty." Bailey rambled as we walked through the halls together.

It had been a few months since we began planning for PROM, and the time had finally come. It was a Saturday and the school halls were deserted, but the entire PROM planning committee was here to do last-minute touches that needed to be done before the big night.

This included getting snacks and drinks made and putting out last-minute decorations, and other small things that we couldn't do before.

"I think this time I'm going to sit out and get ready on my own." I politely declined, "I appreciate the offer, though."

"I just feel it'll be so... I don't know!" Bailey frustratingly exclaimed, "I can't explain what it'll be like, but I know it'll suck. We've basically been through this whole planning committee together, it only seems right to get ready together as well."

"I get that, but Garrett's already picking me up at my house," I softly said, holding my bag closer. "I don't want to bring a bunch of stuff just to go back home so he can get me, and my dad's insistent on getting photos considering this is my first and last PROM."

Bailey thought for only a moment before responding. "I guess I get that. I just think it'd be super exciting if we all got together! It's something Layla and I do each dance, it'd be nice to invite you since you mean so much to us."

The compliment made me feel good, and partially bad since I still didn't really want to get ready at her house. It wasn't anything against her - I really enjoy both her and Layla. Not to mention both Cameron and Griffin would most likely be there too, it honestly sounds like a lot of fun.

But I've become so dependent on these other people - and although they've proved themselves to be dependable, I hate how much I rely on others. Ever since I moved here to Riverway, I've barely had much time for myself. Not that I don't appreciate my friends and the time I get with them as it's basically made up for all the time I didn't get back at Point Place, I just really miss being alone.

"Thank you, Bails," I commented, realizing I hadn't said anything yet. "I appreciate the offer but I think I'm going to pass this time."

"Oh, that's okay." She finally gave up, holding her notebook to her chest. "I was hoping to get you there for Cameron."

"What?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Cameron likes you, I think." She shrugged as if it were nothing. "He doesn't talk to others the way he does you. I've seen you guys sneak to the side and whatever."

I immediately went to protest but then remembered the entire reason we were 'sneaking to the side' was because I had been helping him get through whatever had been going on between him and Layla.

Not wanting to rat Cameron out, I just nodded. It wasn't my spot to tell her about Layla and Cameron, nor was it my business. She'd find out eventually, and if that means she has to think Cameron has a little crush on me - so be it.

"I know you're with Garrett and all," Bailey continued. "Or whatever's going on between you two, but I love my brother dearly and it's hard for him to find people he genuinely likes. He's very closed off - been that way since before our families mixed. So to see him happy makes me happy."

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