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- Must Be Love; Niall Horan -

Aurora Holland

"Okay, what the hell?" Layla asked as she sat across from me, Bailey sitting to her left. I looked at her in confusion, my cheeks flushing hot at the angry look she gave me. "You're not going to homecoming?"

"No?" I said, making it sound as if it were a question. "Is that bad?"

"Uh, yeah!" She exclaimed, shoving her lunch tray forward. "You're going to sit here and tell me that you want nothing to do with your first homecoming dance?"

"I don't see a point in going," I simply said, taking a bite of my apple slices.

"There are so many reasons to go!" Layla exclaimed, "Hot people, food, underage drinking. What else could you want?" She named off on her fingers.


"Plus dancing," Bailey added. "Can't forget about that."

"I have nobody to go with," I said, shaking my head. "Why go alone? I do that enough."

Ever since the fight with Paige got out, I realize I'm much more blunt and honest to people than I used to be. Not just with family, but with everyone. I'm more honest about how I feel, saying what I want without thinking.

Of course, I was like that before with my family. But I let people bully me and say whatever they wanted and ever since that night with Paige, I just can't.

"We're going together, come with us!" Layla exclaimed. "Problem solved."

"This is your senior year, Ror," Bailey added in, to which I just shrugged.

"I don't have a date," I elaborated only slightly. "If I go with you guys, you'll technically be each other's date and I wouldn't have anyone."

"Fuck a date!" Layla exclaimed, "Or ask Logan, he'll go with you."

"I don't want him to think it's anything more than friends." Not to mention, I'd rather go with his brother.

Bailey glanced between Layla and me nervously, before clearing her throat. "Cam!" She suddenly exclaimed, her cheeks flushing. "Ask Cam, he'll go. And he won't get the wrong idea."

"I don't want you volunteering him, thank you though." I stood from my seat. I gathered my things up and began to walk away from the table, Layla and Bailey following me despite having recently sat down themselves.

"Please go, Rory." Layla begged, "I'll do anything!"

I looked at her before disposing of my items, clearing my throat. "I feel like I wouldn't have as much fun as you guys." I admitted, "I don't know how to dance, and me drinking isn't a very good idea, and I don't talk to people very well."

"You won't drink, I'll teach you to dance, and I'll get you all dolled up!" Layla said.

"You really are a problem solver, aren't you?" I asked as we began to walk away from the cafeteria.

"I just really want you to go. Our friend group hasn't been the same since... well, you know." She stopped, sending me a sheepish look. "I just want the gang back together. Minus Paige, she's been a bitch."

The mention of Paige was enough to make my heart hurt. I'm still furious at everything she's ever done to me, but she's still my cousin and someone I once considered my best friend.

Things are different now, as I've realized Katherine is the best friend I've searched for my entire life. That being said, Paige was still there my entire life, whether it was forced or not.

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