23 5 5

- Happily; One Direction -
- Something Different; Why Don't We -
- Enchanted (Taylor's Version); Taylor Swift -

Aurora Holland

The blue matched the shade of my dress perfectly. The way he had the sleeves rolled up just like he usually did whenever he wore a button-up. The way he styled his hair so it didn't look all crazy and messed up, with one singular piece falling onto his forehead slightly. The way he even shined his dress shoes as if this were one of the most important events of the year.

He was here, and I wasn't imagining it.

But I thought he wasn't coming?

His eyes glanced around the room, narrowed as he seemed to be searching for something. It was just like with Miles when he walked in, but this time felt different. The butterflies erupted in my stomach like a firework blowing up as our eyes locked, his lips curling into the same beautiful smile I'd seen multiple times.

The slow song was long over by now, another upbeat song penetrating through the speakers. It felt as if everyone else in the room faded, the only thing I could focus on was the beautiful boy making his way through the doorway and further into the gym.

I completely forgot about anything I was previously feeling, my eyes locked on the boy I'd been crushing on for what felt like forever. 

He immediately caught attention, much like when Logan arrived. He was used to it, however, and didn't react as people whispered when he walked by. He didn't bother saying hi the way Logan would, he just acted as if they weren't talking to him at all. They didn't exist at this moment to him, and he didn't dare break our eye contact as he took his time coming toward the snack table.

Carter stopped in front of me, towering over me despite the fact that I was wearing some of Bailey's dark blue wedges. I still didn't break eye contact, mesmerized by the honey flecks dancing in the dark brown color of his irises.

"Hi baby," He mumbled, breaking the silence first. He was here, standing directly in front of me as if I was the only thing he bothered to arrive for. He called me baby - publicly - despite half of the student body staring as if we were committing a crime.

"H-hi," I stuttered, clearing my throat as I realized how stupid I sounded. I looked down at the almost empty cup in my hands, suddenly finding that more interesting than the boy in front of me.

It isn't true, obviously, I'm just too afraid to make a fool of myself. I've made a fool of myself in front of Carter numerous times, but tonight's different. This is my first and last homecoming to ever attend, and I looked all dolled up in front of the boy I have strong feelings for.

If I make myself look stupid now, I'll never live it down.

He put his hand over mine, taking the cup from me. I watched as he tossed it into a nearby trash can, one of the few that littered around the gymnasium to prevent trash from being thrown everywhere. It didn't do much, but the thought was there.

I looked back at him, seeing him still looking at me. The music continued to play through different genres, and people had gone back to dancing now that the shock of Carter Jackson showing up to a high school dance was gone.

People still looked, especially Ashley's friend group. I even glanced over and saw Paige looking at us, completely ignoring whatever it was that Lila was talking about. But instead of overthinking about the way I had been most of the night, I just looked back at Carter.

Usually, I'd be overthinking to the point I could barely function. But with Carter, I felt safe. That their words and stares didn't matter, because he was here to prevent anyone from doing or saying anything to me. And I can't help but want to take advantage of that feeling.

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