40 9 51

- boy x; Tate McRae - 
- Voodoo Doll; 5 Seconds of Summer - 
- What A Man Gotta Do; Jonas Brothers - 

Aurora Holland

Music echoed loudly through the giant house, I'm sure if they had neighbors it would be heard at the neighbors' house. It vibrated in my chest, and I ignored the feeling I got from it as I stood awkwardly behind Paige.

After my awkward encounter with none other than Carter Jackson, I found myself hiding away behind Paige. When she's present, nobody pays attention to me. And I had enough of the fake compliments and kindness from her friends before the party even started.

"Rora! You enjoying the party?" Logan asked as he walked up to me. He had a red solo cup in his hand, most likely full of alcohol.

I didn't respond at first, unsure of what to say. I wasn't, but it wasn't anything against Logan. I'm just not used to it. Maybe after a party or two, I'll grow to like it, but right now I was definitely out of my limit.

"Have you met everyone yet?" He then asked. He bent down so I could hear clearer, and I could smell a mixture of cologne and alcohol on him.

I'd been watching him most of the time, not to be weird. I just wanted to see who Paige hangs out with, plus our talk earlier had been running through my active mind.

She was not lying about the girls. They were all over him, left and right flirting with him. He was kind, friendly, and open to talk to them. I wasn't sure if he was flirting back, however, as I was too far away to hear what was being said.

One girl seemed to almost faint at his touch. How odd.

"No, and I'm okay with that," I admitted, finally mustering out a response to him. I didn't want him to think I was ignoring him or not interested, I just didn't know how to talk to people.

Especially at a party.

"Logan, come dance with us!" The sound of a girl nearby called the boy. She stood with a group of other girls, the lot of them waving him over.

He nodded at them, waving them off before turning back to me. "You wanna dance?" He asked, "I'm sure there's room for one more over there."

"No, thank you though." I politely said, "I think I'll just stick with--" My eyes widened as I realized Paige was no longer in the kitchen where I lingered. "I'll stick with my own thing." I played it off, hoping it wasn't too obvious I was panicking at the fact that my cousin was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, if you change your mind--" He stopped, pointing in the direction the girls were dancing. I just nodded and he touched my arm as he passed by me.

I sighed out a deep breath, realizing I needed some air. I was bored out of my mind if I were being completely honest. Paige had left me despite promising me she wouldn't, but I don't know what else I expected.

She was a popular girl and had popular girl duties to attend to.

Remembering that Logan had mentioned something about a balcony, I decided to tour the giant house a little bit more.

Sure, it didn't go too well last time, but with how many people are going in and out of rooms -- I'm sure he won't mind if I make my way to some fresh air.

My legs moved to the staircase, squeezing past the people who didn't acknowledge my existence. This was what I was used to, not having any attention on me.

I found the top of the staircase, but instead of going left, I went right. It didn't take long for me to get lost in the house, but part of me didn't mind. Paige would find me eventually, hopefully outside with a breath of fresh air.

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