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- Don't Matter; Akon -

Aurora Holland

Switching books in my locker, I ignored the mumbles around me. I knew that Sarah seeing Carter and me in the common room the way she did was a bad idea the moment she gasped, but I didn't think it'd be this bad.

What am I supposed to do with all these horrible nasty rumors spreading around about me?

"Rora," The sound of a soft voice mumbled to my right. I shut my locker and looked over, rolling my eyes as I saw Paige standing on the other side of me.

"No," Was all I responded with. I turned and began walking toward the entrance of the school, ready to get out for the day.

"Please just hear me out, okay!" She exclaimed, running after me. I took in a sharp breath, knowing she wouldn't let this go very easily. Ever since homecoming night her calls and texts have picked up, and to say it was annoying was quite an understatement.

Of course, she'd been calling and texting before. But it was every once in a while instead of consistently, but it was like seeing Carter and me together rekindled that flame of trying to poorly apologize for the things she said at the party weeks ago.

Call me childish and immature for still not talking to her, making it hard for the friend group to be around each other. I don't care, though, as she's hurt me so much in my life that I can't get over this so easily.

Maybe I should've done this when I caught her and Asher together, or even before when she did things to me at Point Prep. I didn't all because I didn't want to lose someone I considered my best friend.

Poor me, however, didn't understand that Paige was nothing like a best friend.

"Aurora, seriously, this is getting old-"

"You know what's getting old?" I asked as I turned quickly, cutting her off. "What's getting old is you victimizing yourself. You did this to yourself, Paige. You said the things you said, being the reason everyone stopped talking to you the way they did before. You reacted the way you did, projecting your insecurities on me instead of owning up to your mistakes. I'm not saying I was perfect in everything that's happened between us, but half of the things wouldn't have happened had you been a true friend instead of a shitty one."

"We're cousins, Rora. I think you forget that." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, which makes the things you did ten times worse!" I exclaimed. My voice echoed throughout the halls, only causing attention to us. We'd already had more than enough attention before due to Paige being there and everything happening with Carter and me, but this only made it worse.

The last thing I needed was Paige confronting me, but I guess it's happening anyway.

"I understand that just because we're cousins doesn't mean you're required to like me, but you're the one that's been calling me your best friend all these years! You're the one that insisted I be just like you to get others to like me. I'm done with your shitty friendship, Paige. We're cousins and so I'll tolerate you when it comes to family events, but don't expect me to be your little shadow like I have been the last ten years of my life." I angrily told her.

"Aurora, look-"

"I'm not listening anymore," I snapped, cutting her off once again.

Her mouth clamped shut as she looked at me with sadness, her eyes pleading with me to listen. But I don't. Instead, I just turn and make my way through the halls, ignoring the looks and whispers around me.

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