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- Apologize; Timbaland ft. OneRepublic -

Aurora Holland

The bell rang, indicating that the last class of the day was done. Relief filled my body as I gathered my things, shoving them into my backpack. Usually, I'm a lot more neat when it comes to getting my things together. However, it was the last day of school for about two or so weeks, as we're now entering winter break. This means no school, and less stress for me on getting my work done.

Since I'm already a bit of an overachiever, I'm as caught up on work as I can be. I have a couple of projects and assignments that are due when I come back from break, but I'm not worried as I'll have more than enough time to do them since I'll be stuck at home majority of the break.

My last class of the day today was PE, but since we already have an extremely lazy gym teacher, he just let us do whatever we wanted. I used that time to get some extra work done, ignoring the laughs of Ashley and her friends and the constant puppy dog eyes from Carter across the room.

The class was literal hell, and if it weren't for Lila I think I would've died by now. Since everyone's kind of heard right now what went on the night of Bailey's birthday party, it was right back to everyone treating me as if I was some fragile child. Some sick person who needed tending to every two minutes.

Miles was the only person who didn't truly treat me that way, and I felt more than appreciative of him. He was the person who'd walk in on mine and Carter's conversation, and knew how it truly ended. Yet he didn't ask questions, and he didn't treat me like a baby.

I exited the gymnasium and said a quick goodbye to Lila, who had to get going to go visit her dad for break. She explained how she wasn't really looking forward to it due to her father having a new family, but her mother thinks it'd be good for her to spend more time with him than just summer break.

I took my time walking from the gymnasium to my locker. I planned on clearing it out of the textbooks I'd need over break, which meant I'd be carrying a lot more weight home than usual. It wasn't a big deal since Miles planned on driving me home so I didn't have to ride the bus or walk, but it still wasn't too thrilling as my back already hurt from the weight that it carried.

After figuring out what books I'd need and which ones I wouldn't, I shut my locker door. I jumped as I saw Carter on the other side, picking at his backpack straps. My heart immediately fell to my stomach, my thoughts jumbling together at just how close we were.

"Carter, I-"

"No, please." He stopped, interrupting me. "I'm dying here, Rory."

"You're dying?" I scoffed, looking around to see that there had been some attention on us. "You break my heart, and watch me suffer for weeks but now that you're dealing with the consequences, you're dying? I don't want to hear it."

"I know I fucked up, but I just- I want to make it better." He softly said.

"Carter, this isn't going to make it better. Begging me, telling me you love me, all the things you should have said way sooner - that's not going to do anything but make it worse. I can't-" I stopped, looking at everyone before back at him. "I can barely look at you. You say these things but either you don't mean it or don't care to show you mean it."

He didn't say anything, probably due to the new audience watching from around us. I glanced over to see Miles standing amongst the wandering eyes, and once our eyes connected he held his keys up in his hands. He was hinting at me that it was time to go, and I was more than happy to oblige.

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