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- Alone; Heart -

Aurora Holland

"You know, I'm really glad you forgave me," Logan said as we walked through the parking lot in the direction of his jeep.

I smiled, my cheeks burning as he looked over at me. "It'd be wrong not to. You technically didn't do too much wrong," I said.

"I did. I said I wouldn't say anything then ran my mouth almost immediately. Had I known Paige would have said what she did, I wouldn't have said anything," He told me. He hit the button on his key fob, unlocking the doors.

I was quick to hop in and get out of the chilly air, setting my backpack down on the floorboard. Logan ran around to the driver's side of the jeep, throwing himself in much like the way I had. "Also, thanks for letting me drive you home. I didn't want you to think anything weird of it, as if I was trying to make a move or anything." He added, throwing his backpack to the backseat.

I shrugged as if it were nothing, clicking my seatbelt.

"You got an outfit for the event tonight?" He asked, keeping the conversation going.

"Yeah," I answered. "Just something random from my closet. A little more fancier than what I wore last time for sure."

It was true. The dress I planned on wearing tonight was much fancier than I wore last time, and it was for two reasons. One - this was the event Carter was acting like a date, and the other was my mother giving me a huge lecture last night about how I need to take these things more seriously because the way we look, helps with how my father looks.

I don't see the issue, considering my father and Cyrus have grown to be very close. Even closer than Uncle Murphy and Cyrus had grown, might I add.

But my mother didn't see it that way. Even before all the fancy events and big houses and the money they got from my father's promotion, she was very big on us looking like the perfect family. Always having herself put together, whether it be to go to work or grocery shopping.

Even though I had to wear school uniforms at Point Prep, she was quick to make sure that all of my clothes were clean, washed, and brightened to the best of their abilities. I can't count on my fingers the number of times I got in trouble because there was a wrinkle in my white blouse, or my shiny black dress shoes had a scuff on them from tripping over a rock.

It was exhausting. And even though it hasn't been as bad since we moved here to Riverway, I can't help but notice it's picking up again. The more time she spends with the Jackson parents, the more time my father spends on his work, and the more she goes back to that old way.

The house needs to be spotless at all times, dishes need to be done just about immediately after eating. Our rooms need to be cleaned as if we're going to be having guests hanging out in every room in the house, and poor Jason is hounded to shower if he skipped one the night before.

She's been harder on Jason, that's for sure. I don't know if it's because now that he and my dad have seen the true way she treats me that she's trying to be less cruel to me and more strict to him, or if it's just a facade until all of this blows over. I have a feeling it's the second one because I guarantee as soon as I get over this 'phase' as she calls it, things will go right back to the way she was.

My dad and Jason will be blind to anything happening between my mom and me, I'll be ignored much like I was before, and Jason will be the favorite child he's always been since he was born.

Is it bad I can't wait? I'd much rather be disregarded than treated that way.

Plus, it's hard to sneak Carter in nowadays. 

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