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- Alone; Heart - 
- that way; Tate McRae - 

Aurora Holland

Today was Friday. It had been four days since I started my Senior Year at Riverway High, and three since I embarrassed James Hanneman in the gymnasium during PE. It was a Day 1, meaning I had Ceramics, Painting, US Government, Homeroom, and AP Environmental Science.

"You doing okay, Ror?" My father asked from the driver's seat. I glanced over at him and away from the students littering outside around the entrance of Riverway High, nodding.

"Just didn't sleep too well last night," I told him. We hadn't really talked much since Monday morning when we had that small argument outside of the house. He doesn't know anything about my mother ripping up my painting or the things she told me when Logan was hiding in the bathroom, and I had no intention of letting him find out.

It's not like there was anything he could do anyway. And if there was, would he? No. So why try to spill my guts to him when he wouldn't do anything about it anyways?

"Thank you for driving me to school today," I told him, changing the subject.

"Do you know when Paige will be able to begin taking you again?" He asked in return, loosening the tie around his neck.

"No," I said. "She's just-- she's just busy with a lot of school projects and I don't want to feel like a bother." It was a lie, but he didn't need to know that.

Even a month ago I wouldn't have thought about lying to my parents, specifically my father. But with how things have been happening lately, it's as if the lies come out easier than the truth.

"Well maybe we can figure out the bus route for the days I'm unable to bring you," He said. "I just happened to get lucky today in not having to go in early."

"Yeah, thanks again," I told him, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I grabbed my belongings and got out of the car, waving goodbye one last time before he drove off. I walked alone to the entrance of the school, somehow ignoring the stares.

My face stayed down, my legs taking me straight through the halls and to my locker. It's been like this the last few days because I haven't really been in contact with the others, and although it sucked I wasn't really talking to anyone, I wasn't getting talked about as much as I was when I was constantly seen with Logan.

They haven't seen me around Carter and Logan, meaning they haven't been able to conjure up any new rumors. I even avoided Logan by walking to school or having my dad take me when he was home, using the excuse that Paige is busy. Paige hasn't talked to me either, but I could tell she wasn't as angry anymore about the Carter situation.

I opened my locker, switching my books out. There hasn't been another note left since Tuesday, and I haven't told anyone about it. Cameron was the only one that knew I was wanting to know French, but he didn't push me on it as he respected my boundaries when I didn't wanna talk about it.

As I got to Ceramics, I smiled softly as I saw the empty table. It was the same table I always sat at during both Ceramics and Painting, one that was awfully close to the front of the class.

Sitting down, I didn't hesitate to pull out my final draft. Thankfully, Mrs. Rosa loved my first draft and wanted me to have the final draft finished by today so I could get caught up with the rest of the class. I'd finished it last night, spending more time on it than any of my other homework assignments.

Of course, I managed to get all of those done as well since I didn't do anything but stay at home, but I didn't put as much effort into my other assignments as I did with this one. Considering I was already behind, getting a good grade on this piece was all that really mattered to me.

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