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- Start Again; OneRepublic ft. Logic - 

Aurora Holland

"Hello, Earth to Rora!" A hand swapping across my face caused me to blink quickly, my face turning red as I watched Paige look at me in confusion. She stood at the end of my bed with her hands on her hips, having stopped her previous rant as she noticed I wasn't actually paying attention.

She had been going on about something at school. Riverway High School to be exact, the school I'll be attending in three days' time.

"Have you even been listening?" She asked, frowning slightly at me.

"Of course I have," I lied, moving into a different position.

This bed was a new bed, and I've only slept on it for a few days now, but it was quite lovely. It was the comfiest bed I've ever had, let alone the biggest. It could fit like three of me altogether, which was perfect considering I have a big tendency to kick around in my sleep.

"Okay, then what have I been saying?" She smirked down on me. Her eyes were squinted to the point I could barely see the beautiful brown color. It was a thing she did so constantly, but she was very -- and I mean VERY -- expressive with her eyes.

Does that even make sense?

"Uh--" I glanced past her, trying to think of something quickly. As always, I failed, and so I looked at her with a sad look. "Something."

"I was preparing you for your first day at Riverway--" She stopped, waving her hands dramatically. "By telling you to stay the fuck away from people who don't know what they're doing in life."

"That's very assuring, thank you, Paige." I sarcastically remarked, earning an eye roll from her. "Paige, I'm just saying--" I sat up in my spot, running my hand through my messy hair. "I start in three days. I'm already stressed enough, if you sit and continue to rant about how Harry Met Sally I'm going to die of exhaustion before getting to set foot in the place."

Paige rolled her eyes yet again, probably at my movie reference. She just sighed, sitting at the foot of my bed. "Ro, I love you and all, but you haven't stepped foot in a public school before. It's not as easy as it sounds."

"Just because I've never attended public school until now doesn't mean I'm completely stupid in the topic. I'm not isolated, we've had plenty of friends who've told me stories about public school." I replied, "Not to mention, I have social media. I see videos, photos, and everything that's posted online."

"But there's a difference between seeing it and experiencing it." She dramatically explained, her arms still waving in the air despite her having taken a seat.

"I guarantee that no matter what, something's going to go wrong. So why stress about it when I have three more days of freedom?" I asked.

"You only got lucky with the three extra days because of the day Uncle Harry chose to move down here. You moved here on a Thursday night and your dad being the saint he is--"

"Yeah yeah," I cut her off with a wave of my hand. "Decided to wait till the first day of the week to let me start."

"How's your mom taking it?" Paige asked, seeming to forget about whatever Riverway High drama she'd been ranting about only moments before.

"Thinks it's stupid because the earlier I go, the earlier I get caught up. But my dad quickly counters it with 'Okay if Rora can go to school, then Jason can'." I answered.

"Of course, she's not going to let her little baby feel so pressured first thing," She let out a light giggle, seeming to miss the look I give her. "It's so weird your parents have favorites. And it's even weirder that you're your dad's and Jason's your mom's."

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