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- Personal; The Vamps ft. Maggie Lindemann -
- Fallin' For You; R5 -
- Happily; One Direction -

Carter Jackson

She's... going to homecoming? Is she going with Logan? Did Layla put them together despite me making it very obvious that wouldn't be a good idea?

I felt sadness course through my body as I heard Griffin Lakes and Cameron Letterman talking about the plans for when Rory goes over there to get ready. I shouldn't be sad, yet I am. She told me she wasn't going, but she is. Maybe it's because I didn't seem too eager to go. Maybe it's because I gave off the wrong impression that I didn't want to go with her, so she lied and now she's going with someone else?

No, Rory wouldn't lie. She's anything but a liar, for sure. She also can't lie to save her life, and I know that from experience.

Class went by far too slowly for my liking. I kept stealing glances at Rory, watching as she'd do her best to focus on her schoolwork. Griffin would say something to her, causing her to chuckle.

She looked so pretty today. Her hair was brushed, and nothing extra was done to it. She also wore a pair of jeans and a cute blouse, one I'd never seen her wear before. Then again, she's got quite the collection of clothes.

Simply because her closet is designed to be an open closet, I can always see it when I'm over. It's huge, covering most of the wall. There are lots of shelves in the higher section above where the clothes are hung, everything occupying the space is neat and organized.

Even her shoes, which lay on the floor underneath the clothes in rows, are neatly organized from her heels to the black Converse I constantly see on her feet.

The blouse was a pretty blue color, which didn't surprise me. It was a dark blue, one that caused her light blue eyes to pop out besides the fact that it was two different shades. Every single time I saw Rory - whether it be through school or when we hang out - one of the first things I do is look for the blue item she wore.

Sometimes it's a hair tie, sometimes it's just her nails. The main blue shade that she wore more than anything was a dark royal blue, but there were times I saw her wearing baby blue or sky blue.

I've even found myself wearing blue more often, simply because I know that it's her favorite color. I'm so lovesick with Rory right now, it's sickening. The fact that I'm going out of my way to do something as small as wear colors I never usually wear on my own just to please her - without her asking - makes me feel like a completely different person.

The bell rang, indicating that class was over. I blinked a few times and watched as Rory took her time gathering her things up. Her attention wasn't on anything around her, and she acted as if there wasn't anyone else in the school.

Then she looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly. I looked behind her to see Cameron and Griffin watching us carefully, their eyes moving back and forth from the brown-haired girl to me.

I sent a small glare, causing the two to look away. Cameron rubbed the back of his neck as he focused on whatever paper was sitting on his desk, Griffin writing something on it as if they weren't completely interested in us only seconds before.

My eyes drifted back to Rory, who looked at me with a worried look. It was cute, but I hated that she looked worried for me with no reason to be.

"Can I walk you to homeroom?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Of course you can," She answered. Her brows relaxed, and a smile covered her face. It was so beautiful, and I just wanted to kiss her all over again.

We've only kissed a handful of times since I took her first kiss, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss her more. Her lips were soft, and I've never once gotten the butterflies or shock of electricity kissing anyone else.

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