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- Middle Of The Night; The Vamps -

Aurora Holland

Bailey's birthday party was a huge success. She was having the time of her life, smiling and laughing and just enjoying the presence of other people. She was so into her little karaoke and food bar that she didn't even want to bother with cake or presents, but eventually after a while, Layla was able to convince her to do it.

"This was the best birthday bash I've ever attended," I complimented the birthday girl herself. "You outdid yourself on this, Bails, seriously."

Bailey smiled at me, her beautiful smile lighting up the room. "You think so? I think I had the perfect group this year." She then looked around, her smile falling only slightly. "Well, for the most part. There's a few things I'd change, but I guess I can't complain as I've really had the time of my life."

"I've had quite a good time as well," I told her, taking a sip from my drink. "I don't think I've had this much fun in quite some time."

It was true. I've been so caught up in the Jackson brothers that I'd forgotten what life was like outside of boys. I hadn't ever been so caught up in a boy before, not even when I had that childish crush on Asher. I've let Carter and Logan run my life long enough, I've finally found the group of people I can be myself around and not have to worry about doing something wrong.

For the most part.

"I'm sorry if it's been hard with Logan and Carter here," Bailey started, her voice slightly lower than it had been seconds before. "I know that it must be hard being around them all the time, but-"

"But they're your friends, and they were your friends before you were mine." I cut her off, sending her a kind smile. "It's fine, Bails, really. I'm doing okay. Both boys are out of mind. Can't say out of sight because every time I turn around it's one or the other - but I'm at a healing point to where I can deal with it. I respect them, I respect their relationships, and I'm moving on. It's okay."

Bailey looked at me, a look I know all too well. She didn't believe me, but I smiled again at her. "This is your day. Let's not talk about me."

She didn't respond and instead looked out to the group. I took another sip of my Hawaiian Punch silence between us as we both got stuck in thought.

"Thank you," Bailey then said, bringing up more conversation. "For the help with, well, all of it. Decorating, planning. I really couldn't have done it without you."

My cheeks flushed as I smiled, not expecting the compliment. "Thank you, Bailey. Cameron helped quite a bit as well."

"You're really kind to Cameron, and I love that." Bailey then said, "He's well-liked, don't get me wrong, but I don't think he's taken to a girl as much as you. Not in any romantic way, but in a friendly way."

"He's a good friend," I said.

Her eyes then landed on Miles, who was in the middle of a conversation with Logan. "Miles seems to be enjoying himself."

"Yeah," I responded.

"I'm glad you brought him and introduced him to the group. He's different, much in the same way you and some of the others are, but it works. I like him." Bailey explained.

"I'm glad, he's one of the best friends I've made here. Helped me through a lot, honestly." I couldn't help but smile bigger, happy to know that one of my closest friends was liked by my friend group.

It grew silent again, and I could tell that the party was getting to a point where it was dying down. To prevent it, I grabbed Bailey's attention. "Want to do gifts? I can pass them."

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