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- Teach Me How To Love; Shawn Mendes - 

Aurora Holland

"I put a little extra on there for you as well in case there's something else you'd like," My dad told me as I tied my left shoelace, trying to rush as best as I can since Carter was waiting for us outside. "Or if you girls get hungry."

I'd barely managed to make it downstairs before I was caught up by my dad, who offered to put some money on my card for our little mall trip. I hadn't planned on going to very many stores simply because I don't want to bore Carter more than we probably already will, but I want to do my best to make Katherine feel better.

Just before I could respond, there was a knock at the front door. My eyes bounced between the chair I was leaning against and the door, but before I could move a muscle Katherine walked over and opened it. 

"Hey," She greeted, and it wasn't long before I saw Carter walk in.

I acted as if I wasn't eager to see him, and so I just put my attention on my shoelaces. I switched from my left to my right foot, tying a perfect knot on the top of the shoe.

"Hey Katie," Carter greeted softly, and in the corner of my eye I saw him turn towards us. "Sorry to rush, I didn't realize you weren't ready yet." He then apologized, and it was then I finally glanced over at him.

He looked breathtaking, as he usually did every time I saw him. He didn't dress up in any way, simply wearing a T-Shirt and a pair of jeans. They were plain black, and his shirt was a dark blue color.

He looks really good in blue. Or maybe I'm biased because it's my favorite color, either way, it doesn't change the fact he looks amazing.

His hair was wet, showing he'd freshly showered just like he told me he planned on it. He didn't wear a jacket today, which was surprising since it was a little chilly outside.

"Hello Carter," My father greeted kindly, looking up from his laptop at the boy.

Carter smiled, waving a hand in the air. "Hello, Mr. Holland."

"You can call me Harry, son." My father waved a hand in the air, "I added enough money to Rora's card so if you're wanting to eat as well go ahead. Make sure to get her home by nine, though, Viv will have my head on a stick if not."

"Of course, sir." Carter nodded, "Thank you."

"Katherine, are you staying the night tonight?" My father then redirected his attention to the blonde, who looked at him with her big brown eyes.

"S-staying the night?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah, you're fine to stay the night if your parents are okay with it," He offered, glancing back down at his laptop.

My eyes found Katherine's who looked at me with nervousness and worry. Realizing she probably never experienced anything like this before, I just stood up straight and looked back at my dad. "We'll let you know, we don't know just yet."

"Okay, Rora. Just let me know," He said, copying my words.

I nodded, rubbing my arm awkwardly. "Well, we're going to go," I finally said, pulling my bag on. He nodded this time, sending one last glance at me.

With one last goodbye, I walked out of the house behind Katherine and Carter, the September air hitting me immediately. We walked to the end of the yard where Carter's car sat, and he opened the passenger door and hit the lever so Katherine could climb in the back.

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