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- No One Compares To You; Jack & Jack -
- I Would; One Direction - 

Aurora Holland

"She said nothing at all? Not even about how the boys drove us back?" Paige asked, her voice blaring through the little speaker on my phone.

"No, but she hasn't really had a chance." I shrugged, shifting my position on my bed. "You stayed the night Friday night, and although she had Saturday and Sunday off my brother and father kept her busy the two days, and I just faked being asleep when they'd get home at night. Now she's back at work, and the only time I really see her or talk to her it's around other people."

"Well the only time people being there would stop her anyway is if it's someone who isn't family," Paige said.

This only reminded me more that she knew nothing about just how far my mother would go to go out of her way and say something to me. She thought that how she acted was the extent and that there was nothing more and nothing less. I had to remind myself that nobody really knew, besides that day that Logan had been hiding in my bathroom.

"So, I have news," Paige announced, changing the subject. I was glad she decided to talk about something else, not really wanting to continue talking about my mother.

"What's up?" I asked. I propped my phone up on a book that had been sitting at the foot of my bed, laying my chin on my arm as I looked at her through the little screen.

She sat at her pink vanity, brushing through her hair. I don't know why she decided to redo her hair considering the school day was already over and there weren't any events happening today, but this was Paige. She was constantly doing her hair and makeup to get practice in for when she had actual things to attend to.

It really paid off, considering she was basically a beauty artist already.

"Logan has a crush," She said.

"And you're upset because it's not you?" I asked, raising my brows. I moved my head into my hand, seeing her narrow her eyes at the camera. She had stopped her movements completely, and if I'm being honest looked kind of silly as her hair was only halfway done.

"Excuse me," She said, her voice cracking. "No thank you. I don't care that Logan doesn't like me."

"Okay, so what's the problem? It's a crush and he's one of the school's biggest guys." I blew a bubble with my gum, the pop echoing through my quiet room. "Besides, I thought you told me these guys were untouchable. They're not that untouchable to me."

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, Ror." Paige sighed, putting her full attention on me instead of her hair. "They are. Or they were... before you showed up."

"Okay..." I trailed, not understanding where she was heading with this.

"Now that you're here they're all over you!" She exclaimed, practically jumping in her seat. "I've been off and on trying to get close to the Carter Jackson for the entire year I've been here, and I've barely gotten the time of day. Not to mention I've seen many other girls who've known him for years fail at getting to know him."

"Okay," I said, beginning to twirl my ring.

"That being said, you've managed to get him to dance with you within your first week here!" She exclaimed with a squeak. "Like, I've never seen him dance with anyone like that before let alone attend a school dance."

"Well, you've only been here a year." I shrugged as if it were nothing, not letting her fill my head with crazy thoughts.

This was exactly what had happened with Asher. She put these thoughts in my head that he actually liked me, and that I had a chance despite the fact that he was the most popular guy at Point Prep. I listened to her and ended up looking like a complete fool.

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