13 5 2

- The Tide Is High; Atomic Kitten -
- The Only Readon; 5 Seconds of Summer -
- Little Do You Know; Alex & Sierra -

Carter Jackson

"Are you carpooling?" Logan asked, leaning against the doorframe. I glanced over at him, stifling a laugh at his outfit choice for the night.

He was over the top, as per usual. Bailey insisted we all dressed to fit the theme of her birthday party, which was a 70s theme. Logan, however, decided to go the extra mile and dress as if he was born in that era.

Or maybe I didn't dress up enough.

Looking at the mirror, I frowned at my appearance. All I wore was a simple button-up, the top buttons undone. I bought a pair of maroon slacks, simply because Ashley had forced me to. I didn't want to wear something so tacky, but she insisted we match as if we were dates to a homecoming dance.

"Well Paige and I are heading out, so I guess we'll see you when you get there. Ashley coming?" Logan asked.

"None of your business," I snapped quickly, fixing my hair.

"No need to be a dick," Logan scoffed, and I was quick to turn and look at him.

"I'm a dick? Look in the mirror."

"I get it, you're butthurt I had that thing with Rory, but it's over with and you can stop acting like that. Plus, you're with someone else anyway. I don't see why it matters." Logan didn't move, despite the dirty look I sent him.

"As I said before, it's none of your business. Either way, you knew what Rory and I had and you just had to step in like you always do." I responded anyway.

There was no point in arguing with Logan, especially since he knew just as much as everyone else. That I 'dumped' Rory for Ashley. If everyone just knew the truth - that this is the opposite of what I wanted - then they'd probably be a bit more understanding and treat me like more of a human and less of a monster.

But then again, Logan probably wouldn't care either way. To him, Rory was fair game when I left her.

"You broke her heart, or did you forget?" Logan asked, standing straight.

"And so did you, or did you forget?" I countered, "Not to mention you did it the exact same way-" I stopped, not knowing whether or not she'd mentioned Asher to Logan. "Doesn't matter. Point is she wants nothing to do with either of us, so there's no point in having this conversation."

"Also meaning there's no point in letting some girl get between us," Logan added.

"Some girl?" I asked, my brows bunching together. "Rory isn't just some girl. She's not someone like-like Paige, or Ashley she's someone who doesn't deserve to be talked about the way you're talking about her, and doesn't deserve to be treated the way we both have treated her."

"If you think she's so better than Ashley, why did you leave her for her?" Logan asked. His tone seemed genuine, with no lace of anger in his features despite us insulting each other only moments before.

I stayed silent as I finished getting ready, not knowing how to answer him. Even if I did, Logan would be the last person I'd tell about Ashley's blackmail. He can't keep a secret to save his life.

"Carter... is something going on?" Logan asked softly.

I took in a deep breath as I applied some cologne, avoiding eye contact. "Doesn't matter. What's done is done and Rory deserves someone who can give her everything she wants in life."

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