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- I Wish; One Direction - 

Aurora Holland

I'd finished telling Katherine everything else as we waited for Carter to arrive. We sat in the living room on the fluffy gray couches, me leaning against the side of the couch while she sat on the other end. Her hands were folded over her stomach, her black-painted fingernails shining in the living room light.

My phone vibrated with a text from Carter, one saying he was here. I had texted him back after my little panic attack, telling him I was bringing Katherine along with me to the party.

Before I could even stand from my spot on the couch to go outside, the doorbell rang. Katherine sent me a smile, one I felt myself blushing at.

We walked over to the door and I opened it to see Carter. He was wearing something different than he was earlier when I saw him, but he still looked good nonetheless.

He wore a pair of black jeans and a plain black T-shirt. He wasn't wearing his usual leather jacket, but it was probably because he knew it'd be really hot at the party we were going to. Either way, I found myself staring so much to the point where Katherine had to elbow me in the side to catch my attention.

"Hi," I said stupidly, immediately feeling embarrassed that he was standing there waiting for me just to end up saying something as simple as that.

"Hey, I brought my overnight bag." He held up a duffel bag I didn't even notice was in his hands before, "Is it okay if I go ahead and drop it off here? I figure it'd be a little late by the time we get back so I might as well bring it now."

"S-sure," I stuttered, moving to the side. Katherine moved over as well, and Carter entered the house. "My room is right up those stairs." I directed, twirling the ring around my finger nervously.

"Cool," He awkwardly said. "Do- do you want to go sit in the car and wait or wait here?"

"We can sit in the car," Katherine spoke up. It was unusual seeing her be so open, but I think she realized how nervous I was around Carter, so she decided to go against her own anxiety and speak up. It was really nice, and it made me appreciate her all the more.

Carter nodded, glancing around the house. "Do you have a house key? I can lock up on my way out."

"Yeah," I held up my purse, where my belongings sat. "W-we'll be out there."

Without another word being said, Katherine linked her arm with mine and dragged me out of the house. I was thankful, as I was suddenly a stuttering mess around the boy. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the fact I was being more open with my feelings for him, or the fact that he's just that intimidating.

But then again, if it were due to him being intimidating I'd have been acting like this from the beginning, which I haven't. That leaves one other reason, and it was just embarrassing to think about.

We got to Carter's car, where Katherine took it upon herself to pull the passenger seat forward and take the back. It reminded me of the first time I rode in his car, where Paige insisted on riding in front because she had a delusional little crush on the boy.

I sat down in the passenger seat after Katherine was comfortably in the car, shutting the door after. It was silent as we waited, feeling like it was a long wait.

"Do you think he got lost?" I asked out of the blue, twiddling my thumbs.

"It's fine, Ror," Katherine spoke from behind me. Her voice was patient and kind, probably knowing how much I was freaking out on the inside.

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