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- What Was I Made For?; Billie Eilish -

Aurora Holland

"You don't have to do this, you know," Miles mumbled from my left, his fingers tapping against the back of my hand. "You don't have to act like everything's fine and sit with them if you're hurt."

"I'll be okay," I insisted, sending him a fake smile. Of course, I wasn't lying - I know I'll be okay eventually. "The first step is facing the problem head-on."

Miles didn't say anything, probably because he didn't want anyone to overhear our conversation. This was the first time I'd decided to sit with the friend group during lunch again, Miles being a Saint and coming with me despite not really being friends with my friends.

I don't know what I'd do without Miles. He's someone who's stayed consistent, giving me the same effort I've given him. It's like we've both found each other as platonic soulmates after being hurt so many times by other people and although it sucks we've both gone through what we have - I'm glad to have him the way I do.

It's not weird. We don't expect anything from one another, we don't hurt each other and we don't hold each other to certain standards. We just treat each other how we've always wished to be treated by our other friends in the past, and that's more than enough for the both of us.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you the other day," I apologized, realizing we never really talked about it. I'd not only fallen asleep during the middle of the movie (more like the beginning) but also ended up literally on him.

"Don't worry about it. A lot was going on, and I could tell you were exhausted. You did miss quite a good movie though, I'll say." He joked, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Actually, I have no idea if it was a good movie, to be fair. I fell asleep sometime after you."

"I guess you did, huh?" I asked, picking at my apple slices.

Despite the slight tension from all of us sitting together - minus Carter, as he was off God-knows-where with Ashley and her friends - things weren't so bad. They definitely weren't as bad as I thought they would be, but maybe it's also because I've taken day after day to gain some space anytime Logan was around.

I wasn't avoiding my friends, I just simply wouldn't be around if Paige or Logan were there. Paige was back on the shitlist for Layla and some of the others, so she didn't come around as much, but Logan was around just as much as he was before.

"Okay guys, all drama aside-" Bailey spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear, catching all of our attention. "My birthday's coming up, and it's the most special time of the year for me as most of you know as I'm a sucker for birthday parties."

"Oh, here we go," Layla mumbled jokingly, sending a soft smile to her friend who glanced at her in mock offense.

"Anyways, I was thinking this year we go big or go home!" Bailey exclaimed, "I'm turning eighteen, which you only do once."

"You turn every age only once, Bails," Cameron spoke from the other side of me.

"Getting to the point!" She exclaimed, glaring at her brother. "The point is, I love the seventies style. Fashion, music, all of it! So here is my declaration that I'm going to be giving my eighteenth birthday party a seventies theme! And I expect each and everyone who attends to dress the part and partake in the activities for the night."

"And what are the activities for the night?" Griffin asked, leaning his head in his hand.

"Dressing up, as mentioned before, karaoke - everyone at this table has to sing at least one song - including you Aurora - dancing! Lots of dancing!" She exclaimed, the excitement basically radiating off of her.

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