Chapter 42

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Amelia's POV:

I quickly look at my feet as we finished the act. No one is saying anything and slowly it's killing me. Was it that bad? I knew this was a mistake. God everyone must be so disappointed. I sigh softly as I slowly walk back to the chair I was previously sitting on not daring to look at anyone. I sit down and start picking at my fingers trying to get the courage to say something but nothing. I carefully look up and look at Lizzie whose mouth is slightly open. Instantly I lower my gaze back to my lap. Great she hates it as well. "You haven't done any acting before?" a voice says so I look up trying to find the matching face. Scarlett. "U-uhm never as you could see." I say softly, mumbling the last part while lowering my gaze again. "Amelia, look at me, please." she says softly. I look up and look at her but quickly scan everyone their faces. They all look shocked. "How did you manage to do this?" she asks me and I sigh. "I know I'm not good enough. I told Kevin and the brothers as well it would be a waste of time. I'm sorry I knew it would suck. I-I can go?" I reply softly and standing up to grab my bag. A hand on my shoulder makes me freeze but I feel the 3 taps, relaxing me instantly. "Sit down Lia." she says softly and holds my hand giving it a squeeze. I look at her confused but she motions her head towards the chair. I sigh and sit down. "Amelia, that was amazing. Gosh are you kidding me? Not good enough? Are you crazy? You are more than good enough. I think I can speak for everyone that they're all blown away with your talent. When Kevin told us we would've an incredible new actress joining us we all thought he was exaggerating, but honey he was not." Scarlett says coming over and sits down next to me. "You're incredible. The switch you did? The accents? The other language you sounded exactly like a russian. Don't talk about yourself like this." She smiles and gently squeezes my shoulder. I look up and see Lizzie wiping away a few tears. She pushes Scar away and hugs me tight. "I knew you'd be amazing but I didn't know you'd be this talented. The twins were right you're going to make me run for my money." She giggles as she just holds me tight against her chest knowing I was slightly panicking when no one was saying anything. I tap her back 3 times as she slowly lets me go out of her grip. "I'm proud of you" she mouths making me scrunch my nose and everyone just gasps. "Yeah Olsen you can just go and leave the job to your sister." Sebastian says making Lizzie huff and the rest of us laugh. "I told you she would not disappoint, and Amelia you really need to stop downgrading yourself like that. You're talented and we are so grateful to have you here." Kevin says and everyone else agrees. I feel my cheeks redden and look down at my hands giving them all a soft smile. "Thank you but I'm not as good as everyone else here. I mean look around us, we are surrounded by incredible actors. I'm just a newbie that needs to learn so much." I hiss softly as something collides with my head. I look to my side and see Lizzie smirking and holding another pen. "W-What the fuck?" I say in disbelief. "That's what you get. From now on if I hear you talking shit about yourself you're going to put a dollar in a jar." She says smiling. "I'm so telling the twins." I mumble. Flo giggles next to me, cleary she heard what I said. I look over at her and wink at her. A small blush covers her face, so I reach out my hand and lay it on top of her thigh giving her a soft squeeze. She smiles and lays her hand on top of mine and intertwine our fingers. "Okay guys anyone questions about the sisterly duo?" Kevin asks us and to my surprise I'm the one who raises their hand. "Yeah uhm the scene we just did is this supposed to be before doctor strange 2 or..?" I ask carefully knowing the scripts are so strict and I'm not going to be next Tom Holland. "You really know the timeline don't you?" Scar asks and I just scrunch my nose hiding a little against Flo who wraps her arm around my waist. "This scene will indeed be a little flashback before the other scenes with Katya. We just thought it would be nice for the others if they got a little preview of the background of Katya. How the others will know you is a surprise." everyone just nods at him and I look over at Lizzie. "You're not coming back are you? It's just for the flashback scene for Katya?" I ask her softly and she just shrugs. "Can't tell you anything honey. You now know how it works." I roll my eyes and huff out. Florence squeezes my sides making me look up. "Behave darling, don't roll those pretty eyes." I gulp and instantly can feel my cheeks redden. She stands up and I look at her confused since we are still in a meeting, at least that's what I thought. "Come baby, we are done for today." she reaches out for my hand, softly pulling me up as I grab hers. "How long was I out for?" I ask her clearly being confused. "Mhm just a few minutes. Not that long. I bet your mind was wandering off to different images." I pinch her side as she starts laughing at my flustered state. This woman, god she will be the death of me. "Lovebirds over here." a voice yells. We turn around and see Scar, Lizzie and Stan waving at us. As we get closer I let go of Florence her hand making her whine a little. I turn around and see her face flushed. She must have surprised herself making me giggle and kiss her cheek quickly. I walk up to Scar and Stan and give them both a quick hug. Lizzie throws her arms over my shoulders and hugs me tightly from behind. She's a little taller than I am so she places her chin on the top of my head. "Are you guys down for a late lunch? We finished early and we are about to eat something." Scar asks. Flo squeals and hugs Scar making me raise my eyebrow a little. "You're acting like you'd have starved if they didn't ask us." I say making her giggle. "I'm just excited to go somewhere and knowing these 3 it's going to be either sushi or that delicious italian." she says excitedly. "Alrighty, alright. Let me just quickly call Mads. We are supposed to have dinner with them remember?"  I can hear the little oops she let out knowing she forgot. Lizzie is still hugging me so I tap her hand to grab my phone. I quickly call Mads and ask her for the time as she answered Liz asked if she could tag along with Robbie and she'd love them over too. She asked if we have to bring something but she's on her way now for groceries so everything will be fine once we get there. "Everything is set, we can tag along if you guys still want us." Flo squeals again and grabs my hand pulling us towards the cars. "Come on baby let's get going." Every single time I feel the butterflies as she calls me these nicknames. Gosh I'm so in love with her. Scar gives us the location and they'll meet us there. 

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