Chapter 37

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Amelia's POV:

Just as I thought the headlines are craaazzyyy. Everyone is talking about Florence and I but for now they're not sure if we are dating or not. Florence is doing a cooking with Flo at the moment as it's been a couple of days since the photos. I'm watching her while she is cooking, she makes some silly jokes which make me laugh. She waves me over so I sneakily stand just out of frame watching the comments. "Do you want to be in it?" she asks me and I hesitate not sure if it's a great idea but she gives me her best puppy eyes making me gave in. "Hi guys, it's been awhile right?" I say as I step into the frame making Flo smile brightly. She kisses my cheek and puts her hand on my lower back. The comments are freaking out making us chuckle. "Lia here missed my cooking so she came by this evening." I nod as I help her out with cooking. We answer some questions and as we finish Florence ends the live stream thanking everyone. "So baby are you excited for training tomorrow?" I hum as I'm enjoying her delicious meal. She chuckles and wipes off some sauce of my face. "You're such a messy eater."  I quirk up an eyebrow and before I can say something she shushes me. "Don't. I take it back alright?" I smile and peck her lips quickly. "Good girl." I mutter and I hear the small whine that leaves her. "Do you want to like announce it soon?" I ask her carefully not looking up at her. My leg starts shaking, she lays her hand on top of it stopping my shaking. "Whatever you want baby. If you wanna wait we will wait, if you want to announce it we will." I hum not sure what is wise but also scared as fuck. "I'm scared." I admit softly. She lifts up my chin, as her soft hands cup my face. "Me too darling. But I know with you by my side I will be okay, we will be okay." I smile and kiss her. The kiss soon gets heated and I push her back into the chair sitting on top of her lap. Our tongues dancing, my hand in her short hair tugging every now and then. "I love you so fucking much. Let's just post photos sometimes when we are together and see what happens?" I say against her lips and she nods smiling. "Sounds like a plan." she pecks my lips. I get off her and clean the table as Flo walks with Billie. I text Liz and Mads about our conversation and they agree it's a good step. As Flo is back we take a shower and get into bed watching friends. My head is laying on top of her chest, my hand underneath her shirt caressing her stomach as her hand is on my back rubbing me. "Shall we post one?" she says and I grab my phone which is next to her. "Make a picture of us like this, I will post it." I hand her my phone and she makes the picture. You can't really see it's her so that's perfect. I post it in my story with the caption "Lazy nights with my moonlight." I look up at her and she smiles. We watch the end of the episode and Flo turns off the TV. I snuggle closer against her closing my eyes as she rubs my back. "Goodnight princess I love you." I peck her lips and nuzzle my face against her neck. "Goodnight baby, I love you too." I mumble as sleep takes over.

The morning comes quicker than expected and we both groan as we hear the alarm. We do our usual morning routine. The past couple of days I've been staying over at her place. Hailee text us if she needs the pick us up and we agree. She will be here any minute now and I made us some smoothies. "Good morning my favorite couple. Lia everyone is freaking out about your story." I chuckle and hand her the smoothie. "I know, it's insane. Everyone is just guessing and it's quite funny actually." We get in the car and make our way to the gym. Luckily it's early so no paparazzi yet. As we walk in I kiss Florence and kiss Hailee on her cheek making my way over to Lizzie. "Did she finally let you go, I missed you" she says as she wraps her arms around me. I roll my eyes and shove her a little. "Don't be rude you. You were with Robbie" she smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Are you ready for training?" I nod and sigh. "Yeah let's see how I mess it up this time huh." I chuckle and make my way over to the treadmill. We have our warm up and I'm hot deciding to take off my shirt. I'm wearing high waist leggings and a sports bra so no one will see anything. I feel some eyes on me as I turn around I see Florence biting her bottom lip, looking me up and down. "Like what you see Pugh?" I smirk as she comes out of her daze. "Mhm definitely princess. My marks look good on you, now everyone will know you're mine." she whispers the last part making my breathing hitch. "Florence you did not?" I hiss and usher my way to the bathroom. I look up in the mirror and see some marks on my lower abdomen, my neck and collarbone. Florence comes behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I move my head a little so she has more room, my mind clouding with this morning. "Baby" I mumble. She hums against my skin and traces shapes on my abdomen. "W-we need to train." I say trying to resist her touch. "We can train in our own way." her voice low and raspy. God what this woman is doing to me. "Get me another shirt I need to hide the marks before anyone else sees it." she shakes her head and one of her hands slowly sneak up to my neck applying a little pressure. This gesture is enough to let me moan. "Let. them. see." She kisses my neck between each word, biting the last spot a little harder. The bathroom door opens and Florence nuzzles her face against my shoulder, looking like nothing happened. "We are going to the next part of training, are you co- Oh my god." I turn a little sidewards looking at Lizzie's shocked face. "Damn she got you good." she mumbles chuckling. I roll my eyes and point a finger at her. "Don't say a thing and give me one of your shirts since this one isn't letting me wear any." she giggles leaving the room hopefully to grab me a shirt. Florence kisses me before smiling at me. "This would be a good picture tho." she says against my lips. I hum agreeing. She grabs her phone and positions herself behind me, her one arm around my waist, her head on top of my shoulder. I peck her lips as she makes the photo. "We look hot." I whisper staring at the photo. "We do baby." she says smiling. The bathroom door opens again and a shirt gets thrown in my face. "Hurry up the others are getting suspicious." she says grinning. I roll my eyes and push Flo the direction of Lizzie motioning her to go. I put on Lizzie's shirt and get out of the bathroom only to find Hailee and Scarlett smirking at me. I roll my eyes and quickly go to Sebastian since I will be sparring with him. "So.. are you two official?" he asks me and I smile nodding. "Yeah we are. How did you know?" I ask him while punching the bag as he holds it steady. "You're happier, you can't stop smiling. She looks at you with this daze and sparkle and you look at her the same. Plus the marks said enough." I blush at his words and switch positions with him. "I didn't know she went all vampire." he chuckles. We kept sparring for a little longer until training was done. Tomorrow we will have a little meeting since they might push production a little forwards. I can't wait to start filming. A few of us decided to get some lunch at the nearest coffeeshop. As we enter we ask for a table that's out of sight. The waitress takes us to a small backroom and we all thank her for understanding. We have a round booth and I'm sandwiched between Lizzie and Flo. Scar sits next to Lizzie and Sebastian is next to her, Hailee is next to Florence. We have a little casual talk about filming and they are sharing some stories about their experiences with filming for marvel. "So Lia, someone told me you sing and that there is a song with you on it." Sebastian says making my cheeks redden. "I'm not quite sure where you got that information from but I would consider to ask their source." Lizzie chuckles next to me and nudges me a little. "Don't get all shy now. You sing with me all the time." she says and Florence looks at us raising her eyebrow. "You don't even sing with me" she pouts. I quickly peck her lips and squeeze her hand softly. "That's because you haven't heard me singing and the idiot next to me rudely interrupted me, comforting my best friend when she was having a sad moment." I explain rolling my eyes as I mention Lizzie interrupting. The devil pinches my sides making me squirm closer to Flo. "Baby she is mean." I pout as Lizzie rolls her eyes. "Oh please. You loved us being there." I huff and look pleading at Scarlett to back me up but she is just smiling, enjoying the bickering. "You two really could've been sisters with how you're acting." Sebastian says smiling. I blush slightly and lower my gaze at my hands. Lizzie wraps her arms around me and pecks my head. "She is my baby sister. She might not admit it but she loves me deeply." I nod against her chest and tap her arm softly 3 times as she taps my back 3 times. "So will you tell us how she interrupted you?" Hails asks amused. I look at all of them and see them waiting for me to start telling the story. I grab Flo her hand under the table and intertwine our fingers. "So you know Madison right?" I ask them and they nod and Sebastian looks a bit surprised? "The singer?" I nod and he nods his head. "How do you know her?" I chuckle and wiggle my eyebrows, he smirks and I quickly shake my head. "She's been my best friend for years now. I started attending her shows, worked for her and we ended up being besties." I quickly explain and he smiles. "You still work for her right?" Hailee asks and I shake my head. "No not really. I just help out wherever I can or join her when I can." she nods and I squeeze Flo's hand softly. "One day Mads and I had to go the studio to finish this song for her album. She really wanted me there and that's not really something rare since I often join the sessions or help producing. But this one was different. I had to sit in the booth with her with 2 pair of headphones so I wouldn't hear a single thing. She finished the song and it broke her a lot. So the producer left after he got everything. We moved to the couch we have in the studio and she asked me to sing her favorite, which I did. It's our thing, if she has a rough session I will mess around with the instruments and sing. I kinda forgot that I asked Lizzie to pick me up and she showed up with the twins and Robbie. Madison let them in and the sneaky little shit told them to be quite and listen. I didn't notice it for a long time I was so lost in comforting her that I didn't check the time. She has this one viral sing off and she wanted to recreate it asking it with puppy dog eyes and I couldn't say no. The sneaky rat recorded us saying it's just for her and she will tease her fans by just posting her sides. Little did I know she put it on her album but she left me anonymous. After we finished I almost killed her as soon as I saw the place filled with everyone but luckily for her Lizzie stopped me. So yeah that's basically it." I tell them shyly tapping my leg slowly. Lizzie places her hand on top of mine and squeezes my hand. "So let me get this straight." Scar asks and I look up at her. "You act, you sing, you produce, you play instruments, you work in the music industry as PA, tour manager and you basically admit here that barely anyone knows this?" I nod slowly as she shakes her head. "Lia you're fucking talented." Hailee says and I shrug it off. "Nah I just enjoy helping out." Sebastian shakes his head. "She's right Amelia, you're a badass." I chuckle but shake my head. "Can we record a song together?" Scar asks out of the blue. "U-uhm I c-can produce it if you want to?" she shakes her head. "I mean a duet Lia." I play with the rings on Flo her hand lowering my gaze a bit. "U-uhm I can think about it?" I say shyly and she squeals. "Hey if she gets one I want one." Hails says making me chuckle a little. "Nah ah I was first. My claim." Scar says proudly. "I will get you to sing with me eventually baby." Flo whispers in my ear. "You only have to ask and I would babe." I reply and she smiles widely and pecks my lips. We enjoy our food and shortly after I paid after fighting everyone. My phone kept buzzing so after like the 5th time I picked it up and saw 5 missed calls from Madison. I called her back asap and she said I have to come over like straight away. "Liz can you drop me off at Mads? I have to go there right now." She nods and grabs her purse ready to leave. I peck Florence's lips quickly and hug the others. "I'm so sorry but she's been calling for awhile now. Baby I will call you okay?" she nods and squeezes my hand. Lizzie and I get into her car and she looks worried at me. "What's wrong?" I shrug biting my finger nails. "I don't know she sounded angry? but also terrified. I'm not sure." she removes my hand from my mouth and holds it in her grip. "I know you're anxious but don't do this. Take a deep breath." I nod and follow her instructions. I'm not even sure what to expect and it freaks me out. I just hope it's nothing big.

Madisons POV:

I'm freaking out right now and I've got no idea on how to tell Lia. Nick is trying to keep me as calm as possible but he is freaking out as well. I got a call this morning from the police and they might have a lead on the case.. An anxious Lia walks in and Lizzie walks shortly behind her. "Finally." I mumble and hug her tight. I feel her tense a little but soon relax as she hugs me back. "What's going on?" she asks me her eyes already darting around. I look over at Nick and he looks down avoiding eye contact. She looks at him and back at me, I guide her to the couch and Lizzie hesitates but Lia grabs her hand and makes her follow us. "Sit please." I ask them and they do. "Spit it out." she says softly. Nick shakes his head and stands up. "I'll be outside okay?" he says and I nod. "Why is he upset? He looks like he's ready to kill?" Lia asks me and I sigh deeply. Lizzie seems to catch on and carefully holds Lia's hands. "Babe they have a lead." I tell her and I see the color of her face slowly fading. "What?" she says her voice breaks and Lizzie's breathing hitches. "T-they called me this morning. They think they have a lead on the case." I explain and carefully try to hold her hand but she stands up and backs away from us. "W-what do you mean think? W-what does this mean? A-are they here?" she starts rambling and her breathing is picking up. "They wouldn't tell me a lot. We have to come to England for it.." I tell her and at this point her knees give in. Lizzie reached out to her but this only back fired and she flinched badly. "D-don't hurt me" she covers her face scared that something will happen. Nick walks back in and slowly walks towards us. "Lia it's just us. Lizzie, Madison and Nick. You're safe sweetheart. Look at us, please." Lizzie crouches down carefully. She looks up but her eyes are darting around not recognizing the place. "I'm going to lay my hand on top of your leg okay?" Lizzie softly says. Lia bites her lip not moving at all. Lizzie lays her hand on top of her leg slowly and her body tenses as soon as her hand made contact. "Breathe sweetie, follow my breathing." Lizzie carefully grabs one of her hands and places it on her chest. As if there flicks a switch in her she throws herself on top of Lizzie and she can just catch the both of them before they fall backwards. "Don't m-make me go there, please." she sobs out. Lizzie shushes her and slowly drapes her arms around Lia tightening her hold on her. I turn around and look at Nick tears rolling down on both of our cheeks. "We can't let her go through to this. She got so far." He hugs me tight and nods. "We will go for her." he decides rubbing my back. "I'm going to touch your face okay? You're biting your lip too hard." Lizzie tells her and slowly pulls her bottom lip. "You're safe." she whispers against her. She turns her head a little sidewards to face us. "I will take her with me okay? Let it sink for a moment come over tonight?" she asks me sweetly making the both of us nod. "Don't leave her side. Call Florence too. She will need her." Lizzie nods and softly kisses the top of Lia's head. "I'm going to stand up and help you up okay?" she asks Lia but it sounds more like a statement. She doesn't react and just follows the movements. Nick reaches out to give Lizzie her purse making Lia flinch and his heart breaks. "It's me Lee, just me." he says softly but his voice cracks. She hasn't flinched this badly for months now and by the looks on Nick's face it broke him. We walk the both of them back to Lizzie's car and help her get in. I carefully kiss the top of her head squeezing her hand softly as I let go. "We will come over later okay? You're safe and just going to Lizzie's." I tell her but again no reaction. Her eyes are dark, no emotion nothing. She's fighting her mind just like when it first started. I carefully close the door and hug Lizzie. "Call me if it gets worse than this okay?" she nods and kisses my head. "You did the best by telling her. She will be okay. I will see the both of you tonight. Could you call Florence and tell her the gate will be open?" I nod as she hugs Nick and get in the driver side. As they drive away Nick and I walk back inside. I quickly text Florence to go over to Lizzie's and fill her in a little bit. She replied that she will walk there with Billie. "They better found them so I can kill them." Nick states and I nod. "I will call my manager see if we can get there over this week?" he nods and calls his as well to postpone his poker games. I hope it's a good lead and that they found them, but for now we all got to wait.


chap 37 is out!

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