Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV:

"Mads, I'm leaving. Have fun with Nick he's coming in an hour, I believe he just landed." I whisper and give her hand a squeeze. She groans in return and turns around to snuggle further in the sheets. I giggle softly and leave her room making my way downstairs. I leave a note on the kitchen table just in case she didn't hear me. I grab my water bottle and put on my hoodie. The uber arrived and I got in. After a short drive we arrive and I get out after thanking him. I'm not sure why but I feel nervous. Before I can start overthinking someone calls out my name what makes me turn around. A smile creeps onto my face seeing the british blonde. "Florence!" I hug her tightly and lower myself to meet Billie. "And you must be Billie. Mommy's precious little baby huh" I let her sniff me and her tail couldn't stop wiggling including her butt. I cuddle some more with her before standing back up. "So lets make me her favorite." I grin and nudge Flo her side. "We will see who is her favorite at the end of her walk." she giggles and looks at me. "Well miss Pugh" I spin her around and grab the leash walking in front of her with Billie. "Guess now we know who she likes huh" I giggle and praise Billie. She is such a sweet dog. Florence's her mouth is wide open and she looks at me with wide eyes and a blush? It takes her a second before walking up to us and grabs my arm holding it. A warmth spreads my cheeks and I look at her holding onto my arm with a smile. I take the girls to a smaller path so we can watch the sunrise without lots of people coming by. Billie sits in front of us cuddling with me while we sit on a bench. 

"Lia, what happened yesterday?" she asks me carefully and I look up at her seeing her eyes filled with concern. I sigh and Billie moves closer to me. "Ash has been spotted with Cara in NYC. She told me she had to go over there for work. I called her when we all were in the backyard at Madison's and I heard her say something about that I don't need to know when I confronted her she said she was talking to her PA about her manager. After seeing the pictures just lots of thoughts entered my mind and I guess I was just a little out of it." I softly pet Billie and she has her head on top of my leg stopping the leg shaking. Flo squeezes my hand and holds it. "I'm sorry Lia. You don't deserve that. God you're amazing and here she goes fucking it up. Have you spoken to her?" I shake my head no. "No. I wasn't ready. Before we broke up Cara got involved as well and it wasn't what I thought it was but this time? She's smiling Flo, holding her fucking hand and not in a reassuring way. I fucking love her. I love her so much I told her something that I'm not really over with and few days later this is what I see. I'm not sure how to talk to her in this state. Maybe the best is for us to break up.. If she isn't happy with me and her happiness is with her than she needs to go for that. I knew I wasn't good enough but this just hurts way more." I sigh and Billie whines. She climbs up next to me and she lays her head on top of my lap. I kiss her head and keep cuddling with her. Maybe I should get a dog. They might be a good help also for the panic attacks. I will talk with Madison about it. "Lia you okay??" a voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and smile. "I'm sorry I was just thinking." she giggles and I lay my head on top of her shoulder. "Don't ever say you're not good enough Lia. You are good enough and if Ashley can't see that then it's her loss. Talk with her when you're ready no matter the outcome. I'm here for you, everyone is there for you. I think Billie would really like it to spend some time with you if you need some thinking. She is the best listener." she wraps her arm around me and I giggle. "That's true she's amazing. I think I might steal her from you. That's where my mind went to. Deciding if I should get a dog." after I finish that sentence Billie whines and squirms on my lap looking up at me and whines again. "I don't think someone likes that idea, now do you baby?" Flo cooes her. "But you are mommy's baby pup. I can't just steal you now can I?" I ask the dog on my lap and she whines again. Flo and I start laughing. "Well I guess this means we will now co parent. Billie adores you and she doesn't want to see you getting another baby, yet."Flo winks and I blush. "Alright Billie girl. I will discuss it with mommy and maybe I will come and pick you up soon for a sleepover?" she jumps off the bench and barks softly wagging her tail. I turn to look at Flo and she is smiling at us? "So miss Pugh. Do I have your permission for having a sleepover with your child?" I ask her with puppy dog eyes. "First of all our dog. Second don't give me those eyes and third of course you can! You always can stay over at my place as well or I can just drop her off at Mads?" I stand up and do a little happy dance. Billie joins me and now the both of us are having a little dance. Flo is shaking her head making me laugh. "Also thanks for the advice Flossy. I will text her later to talk. If I don't face it I never will get an answer." I hug her tightly and she kisses my cheek. "I'm here for you darling." the nickname is sending me shivers down my spine. Flo chuckles and I try my best not show that her nickname made me flustered. "Liking the nickname now huh?" she smirks and playfully push her away. "Stooppp. don't be a meanie or I will steal our child." I huff and she chuckles. "Alright alright. Let's walk a little more before getting coffee?" I nod my head eagerly craving for some coffee. 

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