Chapter 31

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Amelia's POV:

Have I ever mentioned I actually hate time difference? Like god. Mads and I just arrived at Heathrow and it's filled with paparazzi. It's currently 9am local time and we just had a long ass flight. We both got our suitcases and are waiting inside for our driver. "Can they just fuck off with the bright lights, jeez." I say as I rub my eyes and grab my sunglasses and cap. I put them on and sigh out of relief. "For real, it's too early for this shit." Mads mumbles as she grabs her sunglasses and cap. In the corner of my eye I notice a tall man holding up a sign with my name. I nudge Madison's side and we walk over to the driver. "Miss Smith?" he asks me and I nod. "That's me." He grabs our suitcases and walks to the car, paparazzi is quick enough to follow and we hurry in the car. "I'm sorry I couldn't park any elsewhere. I'm Alex I will be driving you around today and tomorrow." he says. "It's fine Alex, sadly it's something we've got to deal with." Mads assures him and gives him a small smile. He tells us we are lucky since the upcoming days the weather will be sunny. As childish as we are we high five each other. Alex drops us off at the hotel and we told him to take a few hours off since we are going to walk a bit around. He will pick us up later today for the party. It starts at 8pm so we've got quite some time. We are going to check out this cute restaurant Florence told us about. Apparently they have a very good lunch menu. "I'm going to shower real quick" Mads says and I nod. I text my girlfriend and the GC that we arrived in our hotel and everything went okay. As I am sorting out my clothes there's a knock on the door, I stand up and open the door revealing the security we hired. "Hi, thank you for coming. Please follow me. Madison is in the bathroom." I invite them in and we walk over to the small living room. We booked a suite since it's just the two of us. We sit down and they introduce themselves. I didn't want the bodyguard to feel lonely so I hired two just to make sure there is enough security and he won't feel lonely. To my surprise it's one woman and a man. Not often will it happen that you get a female security guard but it's nice. Their names are Scott and Liv. "You two will go with us to Amsterdam as well right?" I ask them and they nod. "Great! Sometimes it can be a bit much. And since they know we are in town fans will try to find her and it can get hectic." I explain as I give them some water bottles. "Is there anything we need to know or might some people we have to keep an eye on?" Scott asks and I freeze at the thought of the guys who are still out here. I shake my head quickly after composing myself. "Not that I can think of right now Madison might can add but for now I don't think there's anyone or anything." I see Madison coming to us and she introduces herself to them. "Mads is there anything or anyone they need to keep an eye on?" I ask her and I notice her body stiffen a little at the last time we were here. She looks up at me and I shake my head a little but she hesitates. "Uhm not that I can think of right now, I will tell you if I do." she says to them. "I'm going to have a quick shower as well. Mads, Nick called checking up." I excuse myself and see Madison excuse herself as well. I quickly get in the bathroom to try control my thoughts, a cold shower will help. As I undress myself I can't help but to notice the scars, I sigh and get under the shower setting it as cold as possible. After 10 minutes I'm shivering like crazy and get out feeling a little more at ease. I dry myself off and change myself. As I walk out I see the three of them having a conversation making me able to sneak to bedroom to text Lizzie. I grab my purse and put on my shoes ready to go. "I'm ready are you guys as well?" I ask them as I walk back to the living room. Mads grabs my arm and she gasps as she feels the cold, I give her a small smile and walk us out with the security behind us. "U okay?" she asks softly and I nod mouthing 'later' she nods and smiles. As we head out we notice a few people looking up but no one comes towards her which is nice. We keep walking and stopping every now and then to see somethings. After awhile we are at the restaurant and get in. Scott and Liv said they will have a little walk and told us to text them if we are almost done. 

"Are you sure you don't want to tell them?" Mads asks me carefully. I sigh taking a sip of my water that the waitress just brought us. "Yeah I can't remember them well enough to give them a description. Maybe i-if they are in front of me I can but now not really." I play with my rings as the memories are clouding my thoughts. "If you ever feel uneasy of whatsoever you tell me or them okay?" she says squeezing my hand. I nod as she lets go of my hand. "I will don't worry about it. We are going to enjoy this trip. Which reminds me will you play the secret song tonight?" I wiggle with my eyebrows hoping she will tell me since she's been so secretive about it. "Nope. That song will be heard for the first time with our friends and family. Buuuuut they will get a snippet of the duet with Bieber." I smile widely at hearing it but soon it develops in a pout still not getting the secret song. "No don't pout like that you just gotta wait a few more days." she grins at me as I huff. "How are the nerves?" I ask her as I know she gets nervous. "It's alright for now bet it will spike up later." I chuckle and eat some of my toast. Mads snaps a picture of me and I raise my eyebrow slightly. "For your girlfriend so she knows you're a good girl and listened to her advice on the restaurants." I choke on my toast as she looks at me with a massive smirk. I quickly grab my glass and drink some water. "I fucking hate you, that was some really tasty avocado toast and you ruined it for me."  I cough as I'm still trying to compose myself. "Mhm your girl admits you're a good girl."  she shows me her phone and I see Florence her message. God these two will tease me till I die. "Okay so since we are finished let's call Scott and Liv and we can change. I got to call my annoying girlfriend." I huff and Madison simply just is sitting there watching me with an amused smile. I call Liv and she said they're already outside and there are a few fans outside, I hold up my hand as Madison stands up and she looks confused. "There are a few fans outside." I tell her. "How many are there?" she asks me so I can ask Liv. "5-8 max, they're at the side waiting for you to come out." I tell her and she nods. "Let's meet them and then we can go?" she asks me and I nod telling Liv the plan. Liv said she will ask them to be quiet and not post anything on social media until we are gone. I thank her and we slowly get outside. "Oh my god she is coming." I heard one girl whisper yell. I chuckled at her excitement and nudge Mads her side and she waves at her. Scott gets behind her and guides her to her fans as Liv and I stand behind them. "Not your thing?" she asks me and I my head. "They just know me as her best friend, I doubt they even know what I do." I chuckle. Mads calls me over and I look at her and she points at a girl. "She wanted to say something to you." Mads says. I look at the girl in front of me. "Hi there I'm Amelia, what's your name?" I gently ask her and she just looks at me with big eyes. "I-I'm Nelly, it's so nice to meet you. Thank you for everything you do for Madison and us fans. It really means a lot." I'm kinda shocked at hearing this, normally no one comes up to me beside paparazzi due the people I'm friends with. "T-thank you, that really means a lot to me. Thank you for supporting that idiot over there though. Without you guys it would be very difficult." she smiles brightly and asks if she could take a pic with the both of us. Madison is quick enough to grab her phone and basically drag me in the picture. We take a few and Nelly thanks us again as she goes back to who I'm assume her mom. I wave at the mom and she mouths a 'thank you' and I give her a smile in return. I shuffle myself back next to Liv removing myself out of the center so the fans can talk with Mads. "Madison why is she here with you?" I hear someone ask and I lower my face looking down at the ground. "Excuse me?" Mads says. "Are you two dating?" they ask and I can't help but laugh at this statement. Here we go again. "She wishes, I'm way too funny for her."  I say and the girl glares at me. Oops pissed off a fan I guess. "Lia stop it. No we are best friends and just very close. The idiot sometimes lives with me." I offendedly put my hand on my chest gasping as she says that. "Excuse you? 'that idiot' is the reason we have awesome parties and sleepovers alright?" I roll my eyes as they all laugh at our little banter. After a few minutes Mads says bye to them and we walk back to the hotel ready to change and get to venue. "Why do they always ask you or me if we are dating. Can't they see that you're a fucking simp for Nick?" I state and ruffle her hair. She nips at my side making me almost bump into someone. "You're lucky I can't live without you or I'd have dumped you long time ago." she says and I look at her with a pout. "Oh no won't work, come on chop chop we got to get ready and you need to call Florence." she says with a big smile. As we get inside I go to the balcony to call Florence and have a quick chat with her. I get a few messages of Lizzie in meanwhile. As Flo and I end our call I decide to quickly call Lizzie. "Hey baby sister." she answers the phone making me smile a little. "Hi older sister but not the oldest." she chuckles and I can hear some movements. "I'm alone now so tell me what's up?" I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Nothing I just got a little overwhelmed with some thoughts. I'm fine now I promise." I hear her hum not really believing me so I sigh again. "The security asked if there is anything or some people they got to keep their eyes on. I froze thinking about them since they haven't been caught and yeah it just freaked me a little. But I took a cold shower and I'm fine now." I sit down and grab a cigarette playing with it between my fingers. I light it up and take a few puffs. "And you're smoking now aren't you?" she asks and I hum. "I'm proud of you to tell me and Lia it's normal to have a reaction like that. If you notice anything weird just make sure to tell them okay? Now on the smoking part. I don't like that you're doing it because of stress but I will let it slide. Just don't make a habit of it please." I groan but quickly stop as I hear her clear her throat. "Alright mother, sorryyy." I say like a small child making her giggle. "I mean it Lia when I said I'm proud of you. Now to brighten your mood, a little bird told me you listened your girlfriend." I whine as I know exactly what she means and either my best friend or girlfriend snitched me. "Not you too please the both of them are already teasing me like crazy. I will prefer the twins if you will tease me." I try to say it in a serious tone but end up giggling. "Yeah, yeah we all know I'm your favorite. Too bad you're also my on screen sister." she says with a sokovian accent. "Well well sestra the truth is out. Now if you excuse me I got to make myself ready for the party." I reply in the same accent. We both laugh and hang up as we said bye. I go inside and Madison smiles at me. "You talked to Lizzie?" I nod and she hugs me. "I'm proud of you." she whispers and I just hug her a little tighter. I quickly change as well and Alex messaged he is waiting downstairs with Scott and Liv. Mads and I grab our bags and make our way to the car. "Here we go Mads, one step closer to that number 1 album." I say as I kiss her cheek. "I'm so fucking proud of you." I whisper and she just nods at me as I already can see the tears in her eyes. We get in the car and drive to the venue. 

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