Chapter 5

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Amelia's POV:

Ash and I are snuggling while watching the sunset. I can't stop smiling after kissing the girl who has a special place in my heart. I still love her how can I not. But I wanna take it slow. A lot has happened and it was a messy breakup. I don't wanna go through that again. I look at my watch and see it's nearly 8pm. Mads is gonna send out the FBI if I don't call her soon. I tap Ash her side and she looks up at me with a smile. I kiss her once more and sigh after we break apart. "Gosh you don't know how much I missed those." I say and kiss her forehead. She giggles and snuggles in my side hiding her face in the crook of my neck. "Don't be shy now ashy bear. We both know how much you missed my lips." I say while tickling her. She starts squirming and tries to get out of my hold. "O-o-okay you win! Yes I missed your lips but I missed all of you. I missed you holding me." She says looking at me. Her eyes are twinkling in the orange sunset. She's so freaking beautiful. "You taco, are so breathtaking. I'm happy you send that text to talk. I'm really happy we talked it out. But Ash, we need to take it slow. Both of us got our heart broken. We both have dealt with a lot. It might take some time. But I'm not sure if I can keep my hands off you" I mumble the last part hoping she hadn't heard. But by that smirk on her face I knew she did. "I agree, we need to take it slow." she says but comes closer near my ear "But baby that doesn't mean you won't be able to touch me on places only you know that drive me crazy" she whispers in my ear. I gulp and see her smirking. Yeah this woman still knows how to turn me on with in seconds. I whine before pushing her softly "That's mean Ash, you know what you do to me. Not fair." I pout. She giggles and cups my face and kisses me. "So now that your pout is gone, shall we go?" she asks me. I smile and nod taking her hand and intertwine our fingers. We grab our stuff and go to her car. I snatch the keys out of her hands and kiss her softly. "I'll drive us, you need to rest it was quite a lot." I say. She nods and kisses me one more time before getting in the car. I get into the driver's seat and adjust my seating.

We are almost near Ash her house and of course miss Benson is asleep. I called Madison in meanwhile to pick me up in 30 minutes at Ash her house. She wanted to say something but I told her to wait so I could explain it. She agreed and will pick me up soon. We arrive at Ashley's and I park the car and take out our bags. I set mine down near the front porch and hers inside. I slowly and carefully lift up Ashley and take her upstairs to her bed. It still looks the same since I left and I notice this cute picture of us. She hasn't thrown it away and I also see my little stuffed animal that she likes to keep near if I'm gone. I tuck her in and place the bear next to her. I took off my hoodie and place it also next to her. She grabbed it and snuggled her face closer in the hoodie. I giggle and kiss her forehead. "Sleep tight Ocean Eyes, we will talk tomorrow." I say and slowly get out of the bedroom. I leave her a note on the kitchen table and make my way outside after closing up. I picked up my bag and I see an angry Madison. Great.. She'll kill me. I'm officially going to die..

Madison's POV: 

There she is, the idiot that I call best friend. I glare at her and see her physically gulping. Good she knows I'm pissed off. She carefully picks up her bag and makes her way over to me. "Hey there maaaddddsss" she says with a soft smile. "Get in." I say cold and get back into the driver's seat. She gets in and carefully looks over at me. Before she tries to say something I cut her off. "Do you know how fucking worried I was? You didn't text me at all. God. Amelia It's fucking 10:20PM you left at 1:30pm. You promised you'd text me or at least send me something that everything is ok no matter what happened. I waited and waited before you finally fucking called. And when you did you tell me to pick you up at her house? Like for real. Already going straight back into her pants? You just forgive her like that? Do I have to remind you what happened in the first weeks of the breakup? You wanna talk about how you went out got wasted and high every fucking day? How I picked you up making sure you were not choking? You want me to tell you every single thing again? I just can't believe you. You have this huge thing coming up which you won't tell me shit about. Two days back and you already went straight back to your ex. I can't go through it again, Amelia. I can't see you like that ever again." I say without looking at her once. We are almost near her hotel and she hasn't said a thing. I look over and see her eyes gloss over before looking quickly outside of the car. She wipes some tears away and starts tapping her legs. Maybe I was a little too harsh before hearing what has been going on.. I try to grab her hand "Amelia, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have" but she cuts me off. "Don't touch me. You were very clear. Stop the car and I'll get out and walk the last part. Sorry for making you worried." She says. She grabs her bag and looks over at me for a second. "I said stop the car." she says slightly annoyed. "No don't  be fucking ridiculous. I won't let you walk alone in this state at night." I say looking over at her. Her jaw clenches and unclenches. She says nothing. She doesn't even move. We arrive a few minutes later at the hotel. I park the car and Amelia looks up questioning. "I told you we would talk afterwards. I will not leave you alone. I might be a bit mad that you didn't text me, and I definitely let that take over me but I won't break my promise." I say and get out of my car. Still nothing, no reply just silence. We make our way up to her room and get in. She drops her bag and goes to the fridge. She grabs two water bottles and goes to the living room. She sets on water bottle on one side and the other one she's holding. I watch her closely trying my best to get a read of her. She sits down on the couch and sighs before opening the bottle and drink some water. She turns on the TV and puts on Lucifer. Yup I hurt her. I assumed shit and reminded her of some dark stuff. I sigh and sit down next to her. "A-Amelia, I" I try but she once again cuts me off.

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