Chapter 10

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A/N: This chapter contains some bigger TW than the last chapters. If you feel triggered easily please don't read and skip the chapter. 


Amelia's POV:

"U-uhm something happened shortly after our break up. I haven't told anyone beside those two over there and V since they were with me back then. Please promise me you won't treat me differently or pity me?" I ask Ash carefully. "I promise. Take your time Angel." she says and grabs my hand. Nick got me some water in meanwhile. I thank him and drink some of it. Madison comes over next to me and snuggles in my side and Nick is sitting next to her. I hold Mads her hand with my left hand and Ash is holding my right hand. I close my eyes and sigh. "After we broke up I went back to Europe as you know. I accepted every single job I could've gotten. Mads joined me the first week but she had to leave since she had some big appointments. I told her it would be fine and that I'm okay. V stayed with me here and then since she also had work. So I was asked to tour with MGK and Drake. MGK was already in Europe so I joined pretty quick after Madison had left. It was a good tour. Got pretty drunk here and then but hey we had days off so why not. After I finished for him I got a call of Drake's manager if I wanted to join him. I agreed and within a week I was touring with him. It was a pretty good time until the last show. Mads, Nick and V all came since it was 3 months after I saw them and I would be free after. He finished his show and we all went out. We rented this massive club in the UK and got fucked up. I started smoking in those 3 months. Whether it was cigarettes or weed I smoked it all. I wasn't high at work but after. I hid it pretty well until that night. Mads, Nick and V went back to the hotel and I told them I'd come soon. I just had a little chat with the crew and we decided to go to another club to have some extra drinks. I saw Cara and my mind went blank. I wasn't thinking anymore and I left the club. I entered a different one and started continue to drink. I'm not a lightweight you know that. I was definitely tipsy but not drunk. I smoked some weed as well and I noticed a group of guys keeping an eye on me. At that moment I knew to leave. I finished my drink and I really wish I hadn't.." I feel Madison squeeze my hand and kiss my shoulder. I feel the lump in my throat becoming thicker and I look over at Nick who gives me a small nod. His eyes are glossy. Ash holds me tight and whispers "take your time" I nod and kiss the top of her head. Not sure if I'll be able to tell all of it I look over at Madison and she nods having our own silence conversation. Knowing she'll fill in if I can't do it. "They put something in my drink. A couple of things. I didn't notice. I downed the drink and made my way out of the club. I was on the top floor and made my way down trying to get outside. Each step I took become less and less clear. I stumbled and my view was blurry. Next thing I know is I'm in a room. I vaguely remember what was going on, I looked up and saw those 4 man. They came near and I panicked but I was way too out to do something and my body blacked out. I-I woke up and I was naked. Cuts over my body and bruises. I tried to scream out but I had no voice. I saw blood on the sheets and I panicked even more. I slowly got up and held my head of the bouncing feeling I had. My face was covered in blood and swollen. I grabbed my clothes of the ground and tried to get my way out of there. I guess one of them was securing the door because next thing I know is that I'm fighting him. Eventually after a few good hits he threw me against the wall and started to kick me. I saw a piece of glass on the ground, not thinking I grabbed it and stabbed it in his leg. He fell back which made me able to make a run for it. I-I-uhm I didn't know where I was. I entered the first hotel I saw and everyone panicked noticing my state. I stumbled my way to the reception and asked for a phone. I called Madison and I tried to talk, I really tried but I couldn't. My body was tired, my head felt like exploding and I wanted to throw up so badly. The people tried to help me but it was no use and I fainted again." crying I stand up and pace around. I look over at Mads and she stands up and holds me tight making us sit down on the floor "You're okay, you're with me Nick and Ashley. We are in my house on the floor. You are not there. You are safe, they won't get you. You're okay" she whispers in my ear trying her best not to break down. I hold her and I grip her shirt as tight as possible in a fist. I'm okay, I'm safe, I'm with my loved ones. I repeat her words a few times trying to calm down. But I really can't tell the next part. I don't want to say it out loud admitting what they've done and their success. I look up at my best friend and she knows. She nods and looks over at Ashley and Nick. Nick is wiping away his tears and I stand up making my way over to him. I hug him and snuggle into his side. He just kisses the top of my head and clenches and unclenches his jaw. Mads sits back between us and Ash and rubs my back. Nick shuffles closer so I can snuggle into her side. I hold Nick his hand and bury my face against Mads her back. 

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