Chapter 34

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Amelia's POV:

Tonight is the night of the release party of Madison's album. I can't wait for the album to be out. I'm so proud of her and god I can't wait to annoy her when it reaches number 1. Currently Nick, Madison and I are making ourselves ready to go to the venue that her management rented out. The others will show up later once it will actually begin. Madison her family will arrive any moment as well as some of Nick his friends. After awhile we get into the car that will drive us to the venue. "Do I look okay?" Mads asks me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Fuck yeah you do. Don't start okay? You look amazing, Nick can't stop gawking at you I mean look at him you broke him." we both look at Nick who is admiring Madison and not even hearing what we are saying. "See I told you." I kiss her cheek and squeeze her hand as she squeezes mine back. "Thank you for being here with me, Lia. It means everything to me. I'm so thankful that you're here." I shake my head a little as I can feel my eyes starting to get glossy. "Don't I need to make the speech after that make-up is allowed to get ruined." I chuckle and she softly hits my shoulder. As the car stops we get out and walk inside the venue and let me tell you when I say my jaw dropped it literally did. They've done a wonderful job at dressing up the venue in the album theme. We both squeal and Nick is making some pics of the venue and of us. We sit down and grab some drinks and out of nowhere Ryder stands next to me giving me a heart attack. "Jesus Christ, Ryder!" I yell out. He just chuckles and hugs me carefully knowing I'm not a big fan of touch. "Hey Lia, sorry I couldn't just not sneak up on you. How have you been?? It's been awhile since I've seen you." he asks me and orders his own drink. Ryder knows a bit but not everything same as Madison her parents. "I've been well Ry, how have you been? Finally legal age to drink huh." I motion to the drink in his hands and he gives me a proud smile. "Yeah god finally. I've been good just busy finishing school and doing some music here and there." I smile proudly at him knowing it's been a dream of his. A hand lays on my shoulder making me freeze I turn around slowly and relax as I see Tracie and Robert. "I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you. You two were so busy talking and I couldn't wait to greet you. We've missed you Lia." Tracie says. I hug them both carefully and smile. "It's good to see you guys. I've missed you too. But no worries I will be staying for awhile." I say. They both look at me confused but I just shrug my shoulders and wink. "Can't say much but just know it's going to be amazing. Are you guys excited for tonight?" I ask them hoping I can talk them off topic. "Yeah! Little Beer over there didn't want to say a single thing and let it be a full surprise for us." Madison joined my side in meanwhile and gives them a smug smile. "Because a few songs are very special. Lia also doesn't know about one." I roll my eyes as she reminds me of this surprise song and I look at Nick but he just chuckles. Great he won't tell me either. Slowly the venue starts filling up with more people and my nerves are spiking. I excuse the family and give them a little private time as I go over to the bar to order an aperol spritz. I down it quickly and order another. I sneak a little to the sides so I have a good view. I see a few friends and some artists I used to work with but not wanting to have a conversation yet I decide to stay hidden in my little corner I found. 

Two hours into the event and I managed to dodge a lot of people. I'm not sure why I thought this would've been a good idea but I know I wouldn't ever not be here. Madison deserves every support and if I can give it to her while hiding for now I will do. I know I will give a speech later so for now I'm safe enough to stay here. I grab my phone and see that Florence texted me she is on her way with the others. I let out a sigh and watch the entrance to hopefully spot my girl. It takes a few minutes but there they are. She holds her phone and I text her I'm in the corner to her right at the end of the venue, she looks up and spots me smiling widely and god she looks amazing. She tells the others I guess since she's pointing at me and they all make their way over. I quickly check on Madison but she's just enjoying herself with her friends and every now and then I can see her checking me. I nod towards her and she sees the others coming up to me. She makes her way over as well to greet everyone but widens her eyes as she sees who are coming over. I follow where she is looking at and let me tell you I did not expect the whole marvel cast to come too. She looks at me confused. "Did you know??" she whisper yells and I shake my head. "Hell no? Else I wouldn't stand here as a lost puppy now would I?" I nudge her side as RDJ comes up to us and I can see Nick his mouth drop as he looks over at us. "Congrats on the album my dear. The others can't stop talking about this beloved duo so I hope you don't mind we joined the party." he says and Madison still looks starstruck. I nudge her side a little harder and she hisses giving me a glare. "I'm sorry but RDJ is talking to you and you need to respond" I whisper and she gives me the 'don't you think I know' look. He chuckles at our I guess what you can call conversation. "T-thank you Mr. Downey it's a pleasure meeting you and a great surprise. I hope I won't disappoint you." she says shyly. "Nonsense the others showed me some of your older work and I'm impressed at how talented you are. I can't wait to hear your new album tonight. And please call me Robert." Madison is at this point beaming and I'm having the biggest smile ever. He looks over at me and looks me up and down making me gulp. "And you're our new MCU member aren't you?" I nod slowly afraid I will say something wrong. "Come here kid." and he hugs me tight. Even though I know who it is I freak out and not in a good way. I stiffen in his hold begging this will be over soon as I can feel their hands around me. I look over at Scar, Lizzie and Flo and they seem to get the note as Lizzie ushers herself forward. "Robert let go of my sister now will you. I missed her." She pushes him a bit and he chuckles letting me go. I try my best to compose as normal as I can. Lizzie taps my arm 3 times and I quickly grab onto her hand squeezing it. She taps my hand another 3 times but I can't respond. Robert introduces himself to Nick and then he introduces the others. Madison looks at me but I shake my head. 'it's okay' I mouth and she hesitates but when I shake my head another time she sighs and stands next to Nick talking with a few of the MCU cast. The twins come next to my side and I feel a presence behind me I'm about to freak out but a voice quickly calms me. "Breathe beautiful, just breathe. I'm going to hold you okay?" I nod and Florence wraps her arms around my waist from behind pulling me towards her chest. The twins stay next to my side and Lizzie keeps holding my hand as she stands in front of me. As I slowly come back to my senses I wrap my arms around Lizzie and hold her tight. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to freak out." I whisper against her neck as she shushes me. "Don't, don't apologize. I forgot to mention they are coming I wanted it to be a surprise for you guys but the worst is that I forgot Robert is a hugger especially with new members for the MCU. You're okay, you're safe and we won't let anything happen okay? They're not here and I know you're thinking about it but they're not. It's just us. Me, Ash, MK and Flo. Scarlett is over there with Colin and Robbie and we are alone now okay? No one saw, no one noticed it just us. You're okay." I nod against her neck and take a few deep breaths repeating her words to myself. I'm safe, they're not here. I stay in her embrace a little longer before I let go and turn around to snuggle in my girlfriend her arms and kissing the side of her neck. "Hi" I mumble against her neck and she slowly rubs my back. "Hi baby" she says as she kisses the top of my head. I look up and peck her lips quickly. "I couldn't resist I'm sorry." I mumble once I lay my head back against her neck. "It's okay darling. Are you feeling better now? I think someone wants to see you."  I nod against her and squeeze her hand. I let go of Flo and I see the twins moving as well. I hug them both and whisper a thank you and in response they squeeze my arm. "Hey Scarjo" I mumble and she huffs rolling her eyes. "You're lucky I like you." she says as she carefully hugs me. "You okay?" she whispers against my ear and I nod. "I'm good. Are you going to introduce me or do I need to do it myself?" I joke after letting go. She shakes her head and walks over to Colin and Robbie and we all just follow her. "Colin this is Amelia, Lia this is Colin." she says as she stands back next to him and snuggle in his side. "Hey Amelia, it's nice to finally meet you. Scarlett couldn't stop talking about this new member." I blush slightly at his words and shake his hand that he holds out. "It's nice to meet the man who keeps that one in line. I don't know how you do it but damn.." I chuckle slightly as I quickly let go of his hand. Colin stars laughing and Scar is glaring at me but I give her my best puppy dog eyes and she just groans. "Just wait you. Don't you need to shove your tongue down your girlfriends throat?" I blush and feel Florence her hand tighten around my waist as her other travels a little lower. "Thanks for the reminder cause in fact I do. Let's go baby I know the good places." I wink at her over my shoulder and now it's her time to blush. I hug Robbie real quick and flip Scarlett off making the others chuckle. I grab Flo her hand and guide her to Madison. "I thought we were going to make out." she pouts. I shake my head as a small giggle escapes me. I turn around looking if someone is focussing on us but no one is so I quickly peck her lips. "We will but no one knows about us. I know a little backstage spot later." she nods as she looks at me. "I forgot to say but fuck you look beautiful baby." she says looking me up and down. "Thank you babe but not as good as you do. I mean god Florence you look perfect." I quickly kiss her again not being able to resist it. She smiles after she pecks my lips another time and we can hear a throat clearing behind us. "Lovebirds you know we have backstage rooms right?" I give Madison a goofy smile and nod. "I just couldn't resist." I mumble making her shake her head. "Florence it's good to have you here and with this one." she points at me and I huff. Of course she would say something about me. "If you keep playing like this forget about your speech." I roll my eyes and pout at my girlfriend who seems to enjoy our bickering. "Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways we got to get ready. It's almost time for the speech." I nod and we follow her back to the backstage area. "You can go to the others if you want baby." I tell Florence as I kiss her. "Mhm, are you sure you don't want me to stay here?" she asks me and I shake my head. "No it's fine. I can look at you and it will be less obvious." she nods and pecks my lips before she goes back to the others. Here we go..

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